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Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, reported: "The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu ʻalayhi wa sallam,said, "Had I not thought it difficult for my community, I would have commanded them to use the Miswaak (tooth stick) before every prayer.'' [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim]. What is the understanding of the Messenger's words: "I would have commanded"?
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Shaykh, I have a question about the Miswaak (tooth stick). I read a hadith that says that your prayer will be multiplied by 70 if you use a Miswaak before it. So my question regarding this is: if I pray two units of prayer of the Sunnah before the Fajr (or any prayer) and then two units of prayer of.. More
Dear brothers, As-salam Alykum. Q. Toothbrush in Islam is a Sunnah. Can we count on the modern Toothbrush with toothpaste too or not? Thank you and may Allah guide and protect us all.
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Assalaamu alaikum, dear shaikh some websites say that when you use siwak keep your little finger at the end lowest back part of it. Is this true? 2 - They say when you intend to discard siwak then bury it somewhere rather to throw in the dustbin as it was a source of cleanliness and a honorable sunnah. Is it also true? Jazaak ALLAHU Khair.
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Suppose Congregational salat starts and i need ablution. At this moment whether i go for ablution without meswak or not( As i know meswak is sunnah and sawab of that salat is 70 times more than the salat of without meswak)? if i go for meswak there is a chance for missing one rakah or takber e ulah. When Ikamah starts and i was not reached mosque yet,.. More
Will a man who has false teeth be rewarded for using the Siwaak? .. More
What is Siwaak? From which tree is it taken off? What is its importance? .. More
What is the Sunnah way of holding the Miswaak, and from where should one start brushing his teeth? Please Advice. .. More
Can a woman to use the 'Miswaak'? Please advice, with Hadeeth, if possible. .. More
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