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i want to ask i have some hair on my penis also i have hair on testis. is it necessary to remove hair from penis and testis. people say that it is unusual to have hair on penis. normally hair does not grow on penis. please explain in detail thanks.. More
can shave husband pubic hair by wife?is allowed? Wife and husband can see their pubic part?.. More
1. is it permissible for men to wear a bright red shirt. it necessary to completely shave the hair below the belly or trimming is possible... More
Is it necessary to remove hairs from testis(two male reproductive glands) ,hairs which are between hips and hairs which are slightly below and around belly button ?.. More
Is it permissible for a man to shave the hair of the armpit of another man? .. More
I have heard different things about shaving one's pubic hair. I have heard that it is optional and also heard that you have to. What is correct? .. More
My parents never told me about shaving pubic hair. If I do it without telling them, is that a sin? .. More
Is a person's prayer acceptable if his pubic hair is long? .. More
I want know about long hair for man is it Haraam or not by the way I didn't cut my hair 3 years ago. .. More
A woman has problems with the hair in an area of her body that is Awrah. Is it permitted for her to get this hair removed by laser? .. More
Can we cut the baby's nails when the mother is still in confinement period? .. More
Can we also remove hair from our back parts like around the anus? Is that allowed because this hair is impure?.. More
I am 16 years old. Is it necessary for me to cut my pubic hairs? Will my prayers be accepted if I don't do so? In orderto perform a Ghusl is it necessary to cut the pubic and armpit hair?I cutthat hairwith scissors, butI did not shaveit.Is this practice satisfactoryaccording tothe Sunnah? Please reply.I care very much about my prayer being accepted... More
The hairs of which body parts are essential to remove?.. More
I heard that one is not allowed to remove his private hair using a razor. Is that true?.. More
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