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Do the pubic hairs begin right below the navel? As in, when shaving the pubic hairs, do we have to start from right below the navel?
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Shaykhs,will I be sinful if I do not cut my nails before the 40th day due to injury? The matter is serious. I have a hot fracture in the thumb of my right hand, and I experience pain even by touching cloth. Holding a nail cutter and cutting the nails of the other hand is impossible for me at this time... More
Did the Companions really pluck their armpit hair? I shave mine; it just seems like it would be too difficult to do so. Also, what is plucking the armpit hair good for, reducing odor?
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. It is Sunnah to start from the right, but is it also correct to start from the right and then go from the right to the left? For example, if I start combing my hair, I start from the right following the Sunnah of starting with the right, but then what? Do I randomly comb my hair, or it is Sunnah.. More
What is the Sharee'ah ruling on letting the nails grow, but not very long, in order to meet the husband's desire?
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What is the Sharee'ah ruling on removing hair that grows on women's arms and legs? Girls and women are accustomed to periodically remove the hair of their arms and legs. It is also a custom that they remove all the body hair in the wedding night.
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Does plucking the hair from the ears and below the eyes fall under the prohibited plucking? What is the ruling if one plucks it by himself? If it is prohibited, how can we remove the hair from the ears?
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What is the religious ruling on removing nasal hair by using scissors or by plucking?
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What is Qaza‘? What is the ruling on Qaza‘? Is it impermissible to cut the hair shorter on the edges or to have graded haircuts (on the sides)? Is it permissible for a man to cut the hair growing between his eyebrows?
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Is it permissible for a man to shave the armpit hair of another man?
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My wife is pregnant,if it is possible can I remove public hair in Islam?
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In the Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Ever Merciful
Is it permissible to remove the pubic and armpit hair completely so that it does not grow again?.. More
Is a widow permitted to shave her pubic hair during the ‘Iddah (post-marriage waiting period)? .. More
What is the Islamic ruling on a wife who shaves her pubic hair but leaves some of it unshaved and has a tattoo above it for the sake of beautifying herself for her husband?.. More
after shaving pubic hairs,usally i wrap in a paper and throw in dustbin , is it correct method of waste of hairs if not what is correct method ?will i effect by evil satan?
i don't have place to bury it, what can i do ,and like to remove it kindly help me i am very confused. Jazak Allah Khairun.. More
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