It was narrated that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said that Allaah The Almighty Will Let the hornless animal avenge itself on the horned one. So, how can this Hadeeth be understood in the light of the fact that animals are not competent for religious assignment? May Allaah Reward you... More
I have a question concerning the Mole on women face. It has been long time saying that woman who has mole on face to the direction of tear down bears sorrowful and may demise her husband in early part of life times. Is it practicable or not in islam, what do islam say in such some peopl's saying ? thanks ... More
salam There are many verses in the Quran which states that Allah is above the Arsh (Throne). I learnt that salafi imams believe that Arsh is above seven heavens. How many hadith are there which states that Arsh is above seven heavens. Do the ahadith related to the location of Arsh reach the level of mutawaatir?... More
Asak Scholars / Sheikhs, In one of your fatwa number 12519, you mention that " When Moosa (Moses) talked to Adam, may Allaah exalt their mention, and blamed him for his and his offspring’s expulsion from Paradise on account of his sin, the latter replied with a definitive answer that deflects all blame, and said, “How can you rebuke me for something.. More
Salam alaikum, can anyone be cursed by the hate of people towards Islam and Allah? I am asking because so many men have proposed to me, I made Istikhara and then mostly I feel "No" without any regret or doubt and I get so extremly angry towards men who propose to me, I can hardly contain myself and that is not normal and considering the amount.. More
Salam alaikum, many kuffar are preparing themselves for catastrophies such as earthquakes etc. but also what they call Armageddon or doomsday. They hord long lasting food, learn how to shoot, self defense, how to cook without electricity etc. They are called "Preppers" and alone in the US there are about 3 million of them and many more outside.. More
Salam alaikum, I wanted to ask if it's allowed/recommended/good to use the Christian/non-islamic term "archangel"? Many websites use that word "archangel Gabriel ...." (alayhi salam), but as far as I know, Rasul Allah, sal Allahu alayhi wa salam, never used this term, even though he knew that some angels, like for instance Jibril, alayhi salam,.. More
Assalam-u-Alaikum. Sheikh i want you to read and analyze this situation carefully. Two days earlier an act of theft took place at my cousins house, and as a result a huge amount of gold and money were stolen. Somebody told my cousin about a man in our surroundings, that he could help you finding out the thief with the help of jinnat. I told.. More
(Due to a browser error, I had to re-send this Q.) People can often be harmed from witchcraft, evil eye, bad luck, harmful Taweez, ghosts, Jinns, curse, and so on. There are several ways to get rid of these problems, for e.g.- by reciting in the morning and evening Suras Ikh-las, Falaq, Naas, Ayatul Kursi. But my question is how to take pre-cautions.. More
Salam alaikum, Muslimas here in Vienna get insulted almost on daily basis. Just a few days ago a woman on purpose said aloude: "That one can dress so ugly on purpose!" I was wearing a very long skirt and a very wide cardigan and hijab alhamdulillah so that one cannot see my body figure. I pretended not to hear her and smiled slightly thinking.. More
Assalaam alaikum wa rahmatullaah wa barakatuh, May Allaah reward you for this service. My question regards the use of internet search engines including Google. Google is a popular search engine where we see many people using it to search for information, however, the company has disclosed that it uses algorithms in its search results to personalize.. More
Assalamu Alaikum, According to Quran (surah jinn), during the reveleation of quran, the jinns are forbidden to overhear the conversation among heavens and they are thus unable to know about future events. Is the same situation continues even to this day?.. More