I bought a car but all of a sudden it started malfunctioning. I feel that this is could be the effect of an evil eye. Is this possible? Some people advised me to offer a sheep as a sacrifice and distribute it among the poor or give the money in charity to drive away the effect of this evil eye. Is this a solution? How can we protect ourselves from.. More
Is it permissible to put the heart of a chicken between one’s two fingers and say that people’s hearts are between two of the fingers of Allaah The Almighty and He can change them in any way He wants, meaning, gesturing to represent the attributes of Allaah? (We believe in the attributes of Allaah that occur in the Quran and authentic Hadeeths.. More
When a Buddhist asked me about the wisdom behind creating and testing humans, I couldn’t answer. Why did Allaah the Almighty create us although He is in no need of us?.. More
Is man's innate disposition a separate authority for setting rules? If a person commits a major act of disbelief, will the person be saved from being judged as a disbeliever because he is naturally disposed to believe in the Oneness of Allaah?.. More
What is the ruling of Islam on listening to someone who claims to have knowledge of zodiac astrology through which he can know all about people’s personalities and attributes? Is it true that this is not charlatanism but rather a science that is based on scientific knowledge without claiming to know the Unseen?
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I am a young man who married six months ago and did not yet consummate my marriage. My wife wants an immediate divorce. She did not find any way to achieve that goal except to accuse me of disbelief. She attributed to me words that I did not say or even believe in, which is that I do not judge a disbeliever to be as such. She says that this invalidates.. More
On the Night of Israa’, did the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam (may Allaah exalt his mention), only lead the souls of other prophets in prayer in Al-Masjid Al-Aqsaa or were they present in both body and soul?.. More