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978 fatwas

  • Caller must have Knowledge and Insight

    There is an Islamic group working in the field of Da'wah and its members are simple ordinary people. Their activities include delivering sermons in mosques, however, their language is poor and they do not distinguish between Saheeh and Dha'eef narrations. Moreover, sometimes they cause unrest among the people in the mosque. What is your opinion?.. More

  • Da‘wah for disbelieving non-Mahram man

    My workmate is a Buddhist (he does not worship Allaah The Exalted) and he asked me to teach him Islam. How can I do that? Can I recite the Quran in front of him or is that not permissible?.. More

  • Allowing wrongdoing is equally sinful

    I know an 18-year old non-Muslim girl who suffers from many psychological problems. I also know that she wants to commit suicide. What should I do about that? Am I allowed to invite her to Islam and marry her?.. More

  • How to invite a Christian to Islam

    How can I invite Christians to Islam and debate with them?.. More

  • Declaring conversion to Islam and remaining steadfast

    In the name of Allaah the Most Merciful, the ever Merciful What are the procedures for declaring conversion to Islam? Is it possible to declare Islam in Saudi Arabia and to have it legally recognized in Egypt? I embraced Islam two months ago, but still in secret. Please advise me for I am suffering. May Allaah reward you. .. More

  • Da‘wah requirements commensurate with knowledge

    Is Da‘wah obligatory only for scholars?.. More

  • Forcing people to adhere to the truth

    My job sometimes necessitates that I travel long distances by car, up to 1500 km away. One of our colleagues smokes during the journey and I cannot stop him. This travelling is optional, but I will lose 1200 riyals and five vacation days if I do not travel. What should I do?.. More

  • Prohibited means during Da‘wah

    I heard some songs by a band called "Soldiers of Allaah". When I visited their website, I found that they are not Mujaahideen (Muslim fighters). They explain Islam to non-Muslims through music, but their songs do not contain anything against Islam. Is this way of Da‘wah permissible? Please advise... More

  • Da'wah requires only true information

    It has become common to practice Da‘wah through presenting pictures of the name of Allaah on a human heart or inside a fish, or on leaves on a tree forming together the statement "La Ilaaha Illallaah". Also pictures are presented of a safe and sound Masjid in Turkey amidst the destruction caused by an earthquake, and a story about an astronaut who.. More

  • Guidelines for men calling women to Islam

    I am a Muslim young man and Allaah The Almighty has guided me to the way of righteousness and piety. I have relationships with some respectable girls and I want to guide them to the right path, but I fear that this may displease Allaah The Exalted. Please, advise me. May Allaah reward you well. .. More

  • Chat-based Da‘wah governing rules

    Thanks to Allaah I am a religious Muslim girl working in the field of Da‘wah. Recently, I realized the great influence of chat rooms on the Internet, so I thought to use them in Da‘wah. Thanks to Allaah, I managed to convince some people to start praying, but I stopped to ask myself about the Islamic ruling regarding what I am doing because I sometimes.. More

  • No despair in Da‘wah

    Most of my Muslim neighbors do not pray, except for few. I tried several times to encourage them to pray by giving them audio material about the importance of prayer and the punishment for abandoning it. I even spoke with some of them about that issue. However, all my efforts were in vain. Could you please tell me what I should do? .. More

  • Da‘wah methods vary according to people

    Is it obligatory to enjoin good and forbid evil under all circumstances? What are the governing rules of enjoining good and forbidding evil?.. More

  • Not name but correct methodology what counts

    Is Salafism named after the righteous predecessors (As-Salaf As-Saalih)? What is your opinion on the person who rejects this name and says that he can only call himself a Muslim because of the verse (which means): {Allaah named you Muslims before [in former scriptures]} [Quran 22:78]? If the person who follows the righteous predecessors is asked.. More

  • Responding to a friend who become a Shiite

    Should we abandon our friend who became a Shiite?.. More