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978 fatwas

  • New Muslim woman left her parents' house to practice Islam

    assalam wa alykuma reverted muslim sister got married with a muslim with the help of a muslim organisation. she left her parents because they were forcing her to study in a co-ed college and were not letting her wear hijab and her future was also insecure if she would have continued to stay with her family.she informed her parents after leaving the.. More

  • Wants to migrate to a Muslim country but her non-Muslim family lives in UK

    Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatahu I am a student born in UK, I became muslim one year ago alhamduliilah, and this is my last year of study. I have the opportunity to work here for one year helping disabled people find occupation. Should i do this for one year as my fiancee (muslim) and family (kufar) are here in UK. Or should i go to.. More

  • The heaven to which Jesus, may Allaah exalt his mention, was raised

    Assalamu Alaykum, When Allah SWT raised Jesus PBUH alive to heaven, which heaven was he raised to and how old will he be when he descends back? Is Jesus PBUH the only prophet who was raised to heaven alive? Thank you.. More

  • Visiting a clinic where there are crosses and music

    salam i read acupuncture is a halal method of treatment so i have started treatment with it but i have some doutful thoughts about the clinic i am going to they have a cross in the logo of the center as well as in the sitting area of the reception but the doctor i see works in a network of doctors in the same place or clinic but she does not do anything.. More

  • Obeying the director of an Islamic organization

    Q.1.Is it compulsory/needed for Muslim women to work for an islamic organization? Question.2. Around 200 Muslim brothers and sisters are running an Islamic organization in Australia. Different posts such as Amir,Naibe Amir, Secretary etc have been selected among the qualified members of this organization. And in relation to the question of "obedience",they.. More

  • Helping someone who will help another in committing a sin

    i know that we muslims are not allowed to help each other in sin. but as we are in a non islamic condition so almost every job at one step commits this sin. for example A helps B, B helps C, C helps D . now A B C are not committing any sin but D commits sin. so will A be a sinner for helping B after knowing that B will help C and C will help D in.. More

  • Meaning of Maseeh (Messiah)

    Assalamu Alaykum, 1-What is the meaning of Messiah (Masih) in the holy Quran? 2- Who was crucified instead of Eesa PBUH? Thank you.. More

  • At pain to guide his non-practicing family to the right path

    As-Salaamu alaykum warahmatulah wabarakatuh. May allah bless you for conveying the message and helping the ummah. Dear brother, i have an issue with my parents. i live in the US and was born here. My family tho muslims by blood, are not religious in anyway, nor are any of my relatives (dont adhere to the five pillars at all). Recently; alhamdulilaahi.. More

  • Going to a pub to attend a presentation

    aslaamu aleekum, my study involved visiting sites and there is sometimes presentation where we have to attend in order understand what the project requirements are. in this case the presentation was held in a pub. me and my class mate had argument wether we should attend or not. i would like to know is it allowed for someone to attent in a pub for study.. More

  • His uncle practices fortune-telling

    Asalamou Alykoum ya Jamatoul Muslimna ans Asalamou alykoum to all the team in Islam! My Question is that, almost all my family believes in fortune tellers and most of them go for their help. One of my paternal uncle however, him self does the work of the fortune tellers (I mean he is a fortune teller) and he is very much successful in this... More

  • This man does not know Islam

    ASSALAMOALAIKUM Sir, please read the message below that was sent to me by my american freind Subject: Next Saturday MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR NEXT SATURDAY! As you may already know, it is a sin for a Muslim male to see any woman other than his wife naked. He must commit suicide if he does. So next Saturday at 4 PM Pacific Standard Time, all American.. More

  • Wants to call her Qadiyani friend to Islam

    if my friend who is qaddiyani become muslim,can she live with me and my family,infact my all brothers are younger?and can i make friendship with her[qaddiyani] to convince her to be muslim?.. More

  • Jesus is alive and will come back at the end of times

    assalam wa alykum there is a muslim group living in india who say that a)in surah imran ayat no.144/145 it is said that all prophets are dead (including Isa(AS)). b)in surah jumah ayat no. 3/4 it is said that our prophet(SAW) will come. how can be these people replied?.. More

  • New Muslim wearing a cross to please her non-Muslim parents

    Salam Aleikom. My name is Mariam and I live in Cyprus. I have converted to Islam since the beginning of August from Christian Orthodox. However, my family do not know that I have converted. I am married to a Muslim but however my husband has not been the reason for me converting to Islam. The reason is because I started to ask questions about Islam,.. More

  • Everything in the universe testifies that Islam is a true religion

    I had a debate with a Christian man and he asked me ‘why are you a Muslim?’, and ‘what did you gain from Islam?’ Please give me a decisive and convincing answer... More