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What is the wisdom in Allaah creating ‘Eesaa (Jesus)
without a father?.. More
I would like to know if it is permissible to straiten my hair using hair chemicals i.e. perm. Also my family has recently been friends with a non-Muslim, I don't agree with them. I even asked my mother if I can wear Hijaab while she comes to our house, but she disagreed. I have another problem with my cousin, she's a girl, 13, and she comes.. More
I am 33 years old and I recently converted to Islam. I have five children...18, 15, 13, 11 and 6. They, along with my self, were raised as Christians. Do I make them all (except for the oldest two) change to Islam and how do I go about doing that? I'm really not sure what to do and I don't have an example to go by. .. More
I would like to know if I'm consider a sinner for not believing its ok for a husband to have four wives and if I'm considered still a Muslim if I do not believe in having four wives.
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I had sent you one question before and you had replied but said to tell the full matter what had happened. Actually the case is like this. We had been for our vacations to our native place Karwar back in India. There they commit all Shirk, etc. When we told them it is all wrong what you do is by showing Quran and Hadeeth. They boycotted us by not.. More
What advice could you give to someone like me who always looks into and searches into people's affairs while I think I'm enjoining the good and forbidding the evil? .. More
I do Da'wah work among non-Muslims. My wife also is very eager to do. By doing Da'wah our servant reverted due to my wife's effort. What I want to know is just like men go out to do Da'wah? Does woman also have to do the same way (to female non-Muslims) as Verse 9:71 says so? I want proof from Prophet's wives and companions (Allaah be pleased.. More
Is it obligatory upon a Muslim to join a group (such as The Muslim Brotherhood or the Salafiyyah)? Can a person just be a Sunni Muslim with no affiliation to a group? Thank you.
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I never believed in the trinity, that Jesus is God. I however did believe that Jesus is the son of God and that he was the first of all Gods creations in the heavens before all other creations. And that Jesus willingly came down to the earth to give his life as a sacrifice for our sins. To buy back the life that Adam lost for us. We know that.. More
There is a channel in the hot bird satellite called (Al-hayat channel) this channel is a Christian and promising people of forgiving from 'Eesaa the problem is they have a program called (questions about Eemaan) between the introducer (his name is Mohammed and the pastor Zakariyah) and every series they insult Islam and the Prophet Muhammad,.. More
Who are Deobandi? .. More
Like the Prophets, may Allaah exalt their mention, are we too obliged to leave our houses in the way of Allaah, to spread Islam? Please advice. .. More
I am a new Muslim, and never in my life before have fasted. I want very much to fast, but am finding it very difficult. How do I get my body to become adjusted to fasting? How does one teach their bodies to fast? .. More
I have a little dog that a friend gave to me, after my mother died. I've had him for eight years and have raised him from a baby. About two years ago I converted to Islam. My friend says that I should not keep the dog anymore. This dog has become a part of my life - he is a creature of Allaah, and I care for him. I cannot get rid of my dog. Does.. More
I am a Sunni Muslim (Salafi/Ahl-Hadith). There is a serious problem in my family concerning my marriage. I married a Baralwi girl but the problem is that a Baralwi Alim gave a Fatwa that this marriage is not correct. He claims that only one group will enter the Paradise among 73 groups, that is the Baralwi group. So, anyone from other groups cannot.. More
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