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Is it alright to read the Surah YaSin in Romanised language?.. More
Can you touch the Qur'an or any of its letters in a state of impurity?.. More
When I read the Qur'an, I feel shortness of breath and my eyes start tearing. Is there any explanation for that?
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I want to know where I can find Du'a recited after completing the recitation of al-Qur'an... More
Is it Bid'ah to say "Sadaqa Allahu al-Adheem" after reading Qur'an?.. More
I have a girlfriend who asked me to help her to know "Islam". She asked me to give her some Islamic books. I don't know if I will give her a "Holy Qur'an". What is your advice?
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I have heard that if a person reads regularly Surah al-Waqi'ah (56) at night after Isha he will have prosperity and wealth, and if he recites Surah al-Mulk (67) on daily basis it will save from the punishment of grave. Like wise it is said of Surah Yasin (36) that if it is recited in the morning it will make your day good; the same is said about Surah.. More
When a person is driving a car and hearing Qur'an (audiocassette/ Radio), he might come across Aayat-e-Sajda. Is it an obligation to perform Sujood?
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Should I say Takbeer when I prostrate and raise from prostration made when one recites a verse of Sajdah... More
1) Can a woman memorize Qur'an during her menses?2) If a woman has prolonged discharge and must make Wudu before every prayer, what is the most she go without making Wudu? Since she is allowed to prolong her prayer until the end of its time to keep the same Wudu for the next prayer, how long will she have to renew her Wudu? This would also go for Taraweeh.. More
Can woman recite Qur'an during menses, if she uses gloves while studying it in her classroom?.. More
Is a woman in her period of Hayd (menses) allowed to handle mushaf even for study purposes? Substantiate from qur'an, hadeeth, and views of the ulama of the past and present.
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When I'm learning the Qur'an by my heart I don't make ablution and I touch the Qur'an with my hand. Is that correct or not? Also I'm having my period and trying to memorize the Qur'an. Please help me to understand the best way.. More
What is better (with regards to the reward from Allah) to read the Qur'an by myself or to listen to someone else read it?.. More
What is the ruling on touching the Qur'an and reading it by a Muslim without having "Wudu" (but not in the state of Junub)? Is this permissible or I have to make Wudu to touch the Qur'an?
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