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I would like to know if you can help. A proposal was offered me for marriage and I wanted to take it saying, 'yes' but others put doubts in my mind and pressured me to do Istikharah. I prayed Istikharah and there are problems. I haven't answered to the marriage proposal, and if the other finished by ending the marriage proposal, would this be outcome.. More
Is it permissible for a woman in menses to pray Istikharah?.. More
For whom is Istikharah permissible? Is it permissible to do Istikharah for an unknown person who is very far away from us in any part of this world?
The person doing Istikharah do not know the name of the person for whom he does Istikharah, but seeks his name, and then seek guidance whether he has been bewitched?
This is described on a TV program.. More
I have a question pertaining to Istikharah. I was planning to start my own business for the last few months; I've planned to do it in Islamabad. Then I heard about Istikharah; so believing that Allah would guide me, I did it many times. Then after sometime things started to turn for me in another city (Abbottabad). I tried hard to set up.. More
I want to inquire if one can ask someone to do Istikarah prayer for, as I can't figure out the conclusion from it myself... More
I carried out an istikhaara for a marriage proposal and Alhumdulila received a positive sign but my father disagreed to the matter proceed any further. If a positive indication is received from istikhaara then does this mean that the marriage will actually take place regardless of any obstacles which maybe faced?
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Can I perform Istikhara to divorce my wife?.. More
I would like to know the following things regarding Istikhara. Please try to answer them all as I do Istikhara often, and I don't want to be confused about it. Can I do Istikhara for someone else like my mother, sister or friend? They want to undertake a matter but they want me to do Istikhara for them!Secondly, how exactly should an Istikhara be interpreted,.. More
What are the rulings for Istikhara? I did the Istikhara and still I have been asked to do it continuously. Tell me the steps to be followed and what time is suitable for it? What are the signs, etc.
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Please help me how to make Istikarah! I am having a very serious problem with my husband he does not tolerate my father. My husband is my father sister son (my cousin). They have some property dispute. They are like enemies and my life at home is becoming miserable. I pray five times daily I recite Qur'an Surah Ya-Sin (36), Ar-Rahman (55), Al-Waqi`ah.. More
My question is regarding a small incident that took place in the second day of an "Istikhara" that I did recently. I performed the "Istikhara" because I couldn't make up my mind about continuing my friendship with one of my friends. I didn't see any dream in the first night of Istikhara nor anything happened in the day. The second day, when I woke up.. More
If a man has promised a lady to get married of her and they got engaged. Then a misunderstanding happened between him and her father. Due to the misunderstanding they kept away from each other because they don't know if they are going to get married or not, But they love each other.
After 10 months he made a relation with an other woman and he prayed.. More
Assalaam alaikum: I prayed Istikhara for something I am about to do, but afterward I started feeling bad with tightness in my chest whenever I approach the matter. Is this a sign from Allah to leave it or it is from the shaitan?.....Is it true that if you feel bad after this prayer that means not to do what you intended to do? Assalam alaikum.. More
Tell me all about salat al istikhara.
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