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assalamu alaikum va rahmathullahi va barakathuhu my family was arranging marriage with my cousin who wass not pious so i prayed isthikara that oh allah give him not to me but everything went opposite to my i started accepting it and started making dua to allah everytime that oh allah make my cousin pious and give him to me in whatever way you.. More
Assalamualaikum. I am a university student studying Islamic Banking. Recently I have been considering to change my course to Medicine. After doing istikhara, the events that follow are pointing more towards medicine.for example, during the economy class, the lecturer used doctor as an example.And in my englisg class, also mentioned about studying.. More
What supplication should I make so that Allaah The Almighty will facilitate for me to marry the woman I want? .. More
for marriage i do have 2 choices both r nice for whom should i do istikhara first ??can I supplicate O'Allah pls bless me a husband from them who's best for me both n dunya n akhirah??pls do guide me what to do n pray for me as well.jazakAllah.. More
1. Can a girl's mother do istikhara for her marriage?
2. If the girl is completely satisfied with her decision about marrying a guy who she knows for 4 years and knows everything about him, her heart it completely satisfied with this decision. The guy is religious n doing a good job. Now her mother wanted to do istikhara but the girl said I am sure.. More
I have Obsessive compulsive disorder, and I cannot keep certain kind of thoughts out of my mind.
On an occasion, I performed salaat Istikharah, and I felt easy with "option 1". After a while, I noticed (or I guessed, as we do not know the future) another option, "option2 " is correct. However, I always had bad dreams about the "option2" and.. More
assalaamualaikum if a couple really likes each other, yet the istighara performed by the male is negative, not due to a dream but a negative feeling, yet the couple is still attracted to each other, what should they do? does the fear of zinah waive the istighara? should a fresh istighara be performed? or is the istighara still it still necessary.. More
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and may his blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions. Dear Sheikh my question is about drawing a lot. If we want to decide urgently regarding any sudden issue which needs to.. More
I want to treat myself with the Quran but whenever I perform Istikhaarah I see no encouraging signs? .. More
Could you please tell me the correct way of Isthikara prayer .I have been told that one should do this as the last thing before sleeping and not talk or eat after isthikhara prayers and sleep facing the Kabaa.Thanks.. More
I have made Istikharah pray to work in Qatar and my good facilitate all problem to work in this respectable land but I faced some problem in the work as my head of department was more lower in the qualification and the conditions are not stable during this time. I received and a good offer from Saudi Arabia and this offer is good regarding.. More
Can I make Istikhaarah for 2 matters? For example, if I want to buy a house and invest in business. So, have I to make 2 Istikhaarah or 1 is sufficient I ask Allaah for both the matters. .. More
I wanted to ask simply, that if it is possible for people to know whether a person is right for them to marry or not through methods such as Istikhaarah why is it not possible to find out in the same way 'who' a person will actually end up marrying? Would this be classed as knowledge of the unseen?.. More
My brother is 31-years-old, he loves one girl who is divorcee but our parents are not agree with this marriage and for sake of son they performed Namaaz-e-Istikhaara and the result came is –I've, so even parents are helpless to fulfill my brother's desire after the result of Namaaz-e-Istikhaara, so is there any possibility to perform.. More
My friend is Ahmadi. He wants to select correct religion as he is in doubt. He wants to do Istikhaara for this matter. Is this right? .. More
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