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i am 16 teenage still studying living with my parents in a area close to a masjid but when I try to go to pray in the masjid my mother stops me calling me extremist and shaming in front of some my other family relatives and since she has a nervous disease she gets angry and falls to the ground and can even go to a coma just because I wanted to pray.. More
Assalam alaykum,I had a question about helping a mosque as a volunteer (security or cleaning), so if the leaders of that mosque may have shortcomings or are not on the path of Sunnah is it permissible to help them and the Muslim community, knowing that the mosque needs to be maintained and secured on the day of the Friday prayer.BarakAllahu fikum
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Regarding the Masjid,some scholars said speaking of wordly matters is permissible as long as it disturbs none and other said it is no at all.Please,dear Mufti,i seek clarity and firm truth on the matter.
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If i borrow something from place A and then i put it back on other place but still in the same area, is that okay?. Example is in a masjid i took a quran from a shelf in the right side of the masjid. But after finished using it, i put it in another shelf but still in that masjid.
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakathuhu
My home is far away from masjid, usually adhaan I will not be audible in my home,Am I obliged to pray in masjid? I know the adhaan and salaat times. it will take 5 minutes to go masjid in vehicle. Will I get extra rewards I pray in masjid
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Is it permissible for a Non-Muslim male or a female cleaner to clean the Masjid (Mosque)?
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Hello,Salaam alaykom, I live in Sweden, in a small suburb and we do not have an official mosque here in my small town, we only have a relatively small section within an apartment building that is being rented by us from the muncipality on a monthly basis and is officially called an "islamic culture center". Within this center some people pray 5 times.. More
is it permissible for a man to cut his hair inside masjid?
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A kind person has arranged a room for the five prayers with a paid imam in his building. It is nearer to my home than the mosque. I pray there, but one of my neigbhours told me that it is far better to pray in a mosque. Please give your opinion from a religious viewpoint.
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Assalaamu alaykum, dear Sheikh. My question is about the one who guards the masjid; what is his reward, and what are the conditions for that? What I mean is, does he get the reward of one who is doing jihad by protecting the masjid, especially in a disbelieving country where attacks have been happening? For example, one hadith states that the reward.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. If the administrative committee or authority of a mosque puts up a poster which has written on it, “No eating or drinking in the mosque except for Iftaar (pre-dawn meal taken before fasting) and Suhoor (braking the fast)” (or words to that effect), then does that make it haram to eat in the mosque at times other than Iftaar and.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu.Shaykh, if I eat garlic and brush my teeth, can I then go to the masjid? It has happened with me that I drank fresh juice made of fruits and garlic and brushed my teeth, but then I started burping with a garlic smell, and the taste/smell of garlic also returned to my mouth later. What am I to do in such.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I went to pray the ‘Ishaa prayer at the Imam Abdul Wahhab Mosque in Qatar yesterday, with my son, who is six years old. The security guard at the entrance of the masjid did not allow me to go inside the masjid since my son is below seven years old. While the imam started the prayer, I was told by the security guards to either pray.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Shaykh, there is an outer courtyard of Al-Masjid Al-Haraam where worshippers pray, and at times guards stop people from entering the Masjid, so then more worshippers pray there. I am aware that during her menstrual cycle, a woman must not enter the masjid. I want to know: what about this outer courtyard.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. It is haram to donate Mus-hafs (physical copies of the Quran) to a masjid where they practice religious innovations?
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