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Asalam Alikom Warahmat Allah Wabrakatoh 11 months ago I purchased 80 Gold Dinars from an action in London which are dated from the early years of Islam until the 132 of Hijra, And I also purchased in different times about 1000 Silver Dirhams, My first purchase was 1 year and 2 months ago of 100 Silver Dirhams; my second purchase was 900 Silver Dirhams,.. More
Assalamu alaikum, I need a clarification regarding zakat on gold. My mother in law has pleadged (mortaged) gold and taken a loan on that gold. The repayment of the loan is for a period of 2 years. Does she have to pay zakat on the gold which is with the bank? jazak Allah... More
Assalaamu 'alaikum wa Rahmatullaah wa Barakaatuh, How do we calculate the Nisaab on paper money? What I found out is that you have to pay Zakaah on paper money equal to 606 grams of chandi (silver). Now, I am confused regarding Nisaab. I am getting a monthly salary of 80,000 rupees. Suppose now I have 150,000 in the bank (without.. More
My father expired before 10-years, I'm only care taker of my mother. My question is that my mother has some gold with her so I've to pay Zakaah for that savings. .. More
I need to pay Zakaat on the gold I own. It is around 500gm. I don't know if this amount is correct as in Pakistan the unit of measurement is called 'Tola', which approximately equals 10gm. I have 50 Tolas of gold. Can you please tell me how much Zakaat is due on it per year? Besides my husband owns property in the form of land this is how he plans to.. More
I have some money in a bank another country, and I had been paying Zakaat on the money while I was there, when it reached the Nisaab.
Several years ago, I left that country, and had no further access to the account. By that country's rule an account becomes dormant after 12 months of lack of activity. I heard two different opinions about Zakaat.. More
I am saving currency in Islamic bank. The yearly profits do not exceed 1.5% which is less than Zakaat value. I have no experience to invest the money in other activity. What should I do in this case?.. More
How to pay Zakah on gold?
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I am from India and my annual income is Rupees 200000 from which I had purchased gold which is around 120 grams. I want to know how much will be the Zakaah. Will it be calculated on both gold and my income of 200000 or on just 200000 Rupees, or 200000 less the amount of gold separately, and the 120 grams gold separately. Please let me.. More
I have bought a certificate from a bank in Egypt since January 1998 with total amount of 50,000 Egyptian pounds. It has 12.5% compound annual interest rate. It reaches now to about 100,000 Egyptian pounds.
I want to figure out how much money as Zakah should I pay right now (i.e. after 6.5 years from the buying date) and do not forget it has.. More
I would like to know whether the calculation for Zakah mentioned below is correct: Total Cash Saved during a year: Rs.XXXXX Total Value of Gold & Silver: Rs.YYYYY Less: Balance of Loan to be paid taken For purchase of plot last year:Rs.ZZZZ 2.5% on Net Balance = Zakah Amount Please if u can clarify that the method which I have applied is correct... More
My mother has $1000 for one and half years, and I have $500 for the same period. Do I have to pay Zakah? If yes, how much is it? Can I pay it directly to the poor without giving it to the government? Am I late paying Zakah since I have to pay it every year - am I now late by 6months? Is there any way to correct this mistake?.. More
Please send me the meaning and weight of one Mithqaal and one Dirham in the period of Rasool-Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam). Whether the cost of gold and silver were the same then or just like nowadays... More
If a person is having 80gms of gold and 550gms of silver and about 700 SR in cash. How can we know that he is eligible for Zakah? Moreover, if he is/not eligible for Zakah. Please guide us how to calculate/analysis the financial condition.
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About Zakah Nisaab you said a min. 85gms of gold of 595gms of silver, possession for a whole lunar year. When we check the cash value of these two pure metals we found a lot of difference. For example London Bullion market shows 361 USD for one ounce of gold and 5 USD for one ounce of silver. Please guide us how to solve this problem of difference... More
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