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Assalamu AlykumMy mother has gold above the zakaat threshold(nisaab) now can she distribute the gold between her children ? Children are above 20 and either student or working.This way mother need not to pay the zakaat as gold will become less then nissab.Is it permissible to distribute gold between the children to avoid zakaat as mother/family has.. More
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتهI live in the Netherlands which is a wealthy country. The nisab of gold is around 4220 euro and the nisab of silver is around 261 euro ( Which one should we use? Because in the Netherlands you are not considered rich if you have €261. So should we use the nisab of silver or the nisab.. More
Assalamu alaykum Before this year I was following the opinion that Zakat must be paid on gold and silver jewellery. Now I follow the other opinion. Recently I have come to know I own silver jewellery which I had forgotten about in previous years when I was doing my calculations for zakat. My question is, now that I follow the opinion there is no zakat.. More
Aoa, i have around 300grams of gold which i dont wear at all and have to give zakaat every year. I have three children. If i give each child 70 grams which will be a total of 210 grams and keep 70 grams for myself, selling the rest, do I still have to give zakaat on the gold i have given my children? I understand that everything depends on the persons.. More
I have 64gram of 9ct 18ct and silver . And cash in bank. Do i add the value of the gold and silver to my cash and pay zakat on total
Jazakallahu kheiran
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Assalamualaikum, my father retired from his post 4 months? before and he received bonus amount after retirement so is zakat obligatory on him or not? my second question is can my wife give zakat to my brothers for completing education in Universities if my father has money ( retirement bonus) or not?
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Assalaamu alaykum. Thank you very much in advance. I have lost my job, and May 2017 is my last working month. I have been paying zakah during Ramadan each year without fail. In Ramadan 2017, as I lost my job, I do not have any cash in my hand or in my bank account to pay zakah in Ramadhan 2017. What is the solution for postponing the zakah to next year.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I was living within a joint family system. My in-laws, especially my mother-in-law has treated me the worse. I would like to inform you that my father has given me 465.2 grams of gold, and my husband gave me gold weighing 69.78 grams total of 534.98 grams. I kept my gold locked in my luggage bag. I saw my late mother three days in.. More
1) Our company is providing its employees with a retirement pension plan scheme. This is a optional benefit, i.e. if an employee wants to join, then he can opt for it. An employee can contribute monthly from 3% to maximum 20% of his basic salary in the plan, and the company will match the employees share from its side, but up to a maximum of 6%. The.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I want to pay zakah on my gold because I just learned that it is a major sin to not do so. My husband, however, does not allow me to give it because his salary is too low to pay it. and he does not allow me to sell the gold for zakah. Can I sell my gold without his knowledge? All the gold is still with me. Please advise, I want to.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. If one has not paid zakah in the past and must make up for all of them, is it possible for him to pay the old zakah based on the current amount of money in his possession? For example, the person has x amount of money and he multiplies the figure for the total of zakahs that he has to pay. Can one do.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I got PKRs.950,000 in May 2014 to buy a residential plot. I spent some of it, and after one year I was left with PKRs.500,000. During this one year period, I also got PKRs.2,500,000 from other sources and finaly bought a plot for PKRs.3,400,000 in June 2015. As I bought the plot after one year, I started arranging money. Now I want.. More
We found out that we own seven kgs of silver that were given as a gift by guestsduring our wedding. The silver was never in our possession but remained in my wife's mother's custody for the last 30 years. We were given it after her death. Is silver subject to zakah, and if so, then how should it be calculated?
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Salam I am so confused about paying zakat on personal use gold I have been told so many different opinion about not having to pay it on personal use gold but now I have started to pay zakat just to be safe. I have been told I have to pay all the years that have past even though I was unaware of it how is that fair if you did not have the knowledge how.. More
My question is regarding the zakat on gold ornaments. I am aware of its calculations etc but I want to clarify whether zakat is due on stone ornaments - both on ornaments that have precious stones like pearls, diamonds, coral etc or on imitation stones like the American diamond, imitation pearls etc. When we go to the jeweller to sell our old ornaments.. More
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