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I have already posted this question. Question Number: 2666660 One of my relatives has taken a loan from a bank by giving gold (jewelry) as security in order to purchase a piece of land. Now they are unable to repay the loan to the bank, and within another few months, the bank will take the gold in their possession. This is an interest-based bank. My.. More
Dear Mufti. I live in a city in which there are very few Muslims, and only Christians live here. The people here are very poor and needy, so I help them and give them my zakah, and I hope that maybe my kindness inspires them and they realize that Islam is a great religion. I speak English, and people only speak Portuguese here, but with my kind act,.. More
Assalaamu alaykum, Brother. We have a son who is 30 years old and has no job. He has been trying to work ever since he finished his education (MBA), but every job he gets does not last for more than two to five months, and then he is jobless again. He is also not able to marry due to this. His father has been spending on him his whole life, even until.. More
My husband is poor. He has borrowed a lot of my gold and wealth and also more from my mother, which is part of my undistributed inheritance. He has difficulty paying back this debt because he has other debts too. I have been giving my zakah and sometimes advance my zakah to my husband. I work hard to earn for myself because no one else would help me.. More
There are two orphans aged seven and eleven; their father left wealth for them; they annually pay zakah on it. Their grandfather is a pensioner though he has another son that cares for him, but he is still poor and needs the zakah. is it permissible for him to have a share in his grandchildrens' zakah?
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Assalaamu alaykum to the team. I have a question regarding zakah. If a person, regardless of whether he was in need or not, has taken a loan from an interest-based bank and is now unable to repay the bank, can he use his zakah money to repay his debts to the bank given that, in this case, it is interest-based? So what is the ruling here?
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Assalaamu alaykum. My husband's salary can only cover the rent. He has a piece of land that his mother gave him and some money in the bank which he plans to invest along with that land in order to build a house for us and maybe, if it is enough, to make a business that may give him a somehow secure future as he is not entlited to a pension at an old.. More
Respectful scholar, assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. I request you to answer my question regarding zakah. I have been receiving zakah money from my relative who lives abroad in order to distribute it. This has been going on for more than a year, so my responsibility regarding it has also increased. My question is whether I can take.. More
We are four brother and one sister who is unmarried (aged 36). As a human being, every brother is responsible to bear the cost of living as well as the medical costs of their mother and sister since their father is dead. No one is supporting her (the sister), but I have been supporting her for the last seven years. Now, my question is whether I can.. More
We are running an office on a rented building to collect & distribute Zakath. Whether Zakath fund can be utilised to pay rent to this office?
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Assalamu'alaykum,My neighbour is an owner of a liqour store. His liqour store was burned in a fire and he is unable to do his business. It is permissible for me to donate some money to him to ease his burden?
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I am a working in a company where we three people are responsible for searching and investigating zakat eligible persons. For this purpose, we need travel expenses. Can we withdraw this amount from company's zakat fund or should it be from non-zakat fund? Thanks in advance.
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Assalamu 'alaykum My parents give zakah on my wealth, so I felt relaxed. Howeva,this year,mom gave some money to a fortune teller for zakah. As far as my knowledge is&my understanding of tht fortune teller lady is, I doubt whether she is a muslim or nt, she seems to be amongst the shayateen& Allaah knows best. As far as my knowledge is, zakah.. More
khaid works at charitable trust which conduct many residential madrasa for the poor and orphanage, so he appointed with honorarium of 5000rs included food and accommodation. he pays for this 500rs per month separately. now if animal of sadqah and any other stuff of zakat and sadqah cooked at madrsa for children. will he can eat of this food or not?
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