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Assalamualaikum sheikh,hope you can answer my question when you see this question.if a person apostatized before he reach the age of puberty he will not accountable of it.But what if a person reach the age of puberty but dont know that it was sign of puberty ,will his apostate be valid?
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We live in Europe. We will fast around 18 to 19 hours in Ramadan. My 10 year-old-child has been training for two years to fast Ramadan by increasing the number of hours every few or couple of days until he became able to fast complete days towards the end of Ramadan. However, we were not in Europe when I was trying to train my child. This year, I do.. More
What is the age when children should start fasting?
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At what age should kids be ordered to fast? What is the evidence on which the relevant ruling is based?
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If a girl menstruates for the first time in the second half of Ramadhaan, is she required to make up the fast for the whole month or just the days she did not fast after menstruating?.. More
I once broke fasting during Ramadhaan, but I am not sure as to whether or not I had reached puberty then. What is incumbent upon me to do? May Allaah reward you... More
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