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Is it permissible for a menstruating woman to eat with a group of menstruating women during the daytime in Ramadhaan? When she eats alone, is there a certain limit that she must not exceed?
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I was six weeks pregnant in Ramadhaan and found blood so I went to the doctor. I undertook investigations with sonar and she told me that the ovum was sound. This took place on Thursday and I was fasting. On Sunday, the ovum was aborted and I broke my fast. By the following Sunday, my blood pressure increased and I fasted on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday,.. More
My wife menstruated for five days before the advent of Ramadhaan. On the first day of Ramadhaan, she observed cessation of the blood discharge and thus she performed Ghusl (ritual bath) and fasted on the second day. After performing the Taraaweeh (voluntary night prayer in Ramadhaan) along with me in the Masjid, the blood was discharged again... More
About 30 minutes before the time of breaking the fast, I experienced blood discharge. I was certain that it was menstruation because of the color of the blood. Thus, I broke my fast. However, the next days I witnessed no blood discharge and this proved that the first discharge was not menstruation. Am I required to make up the fast for that day.. More
A man asks: my mother is sixty-five years old and she has not had any children for the last nineteen years. Now, she has bleeding that started three years ago and it seems to be because of a certain disease. Ramadhaan is about to begin, what should she do?.. More
Can a woman who has menstruation or post-partum bleeding eat and drink during the day in the month of Ramadhaan?.. More
If a woman sees blood on one day during the days of menstruation and on the following day she does not find any blood all day, what should she do?.. More
Some women who have an abortion either have it before the fetus is formed or even after that. What is the ruling on her fasting on the day during which she had an abortion and what is the ruling on the days during which she sees blood?.. More
Since 2004, my menstrual period would continue for seven days, and in Ramadhaan, I broke fasting on the 7th day of my cycle without making sure that I was still menstruating. After breaking fasting on that day, I did not find any of the traces of menstruation. I did not do that deliberately; I simply relied on my usual period which would last for seven.. More
Once, when I was making up for the days that I broke fasting in Ramadhaan, I felt that my menstruation started two minutes before Maghrib. What is the ruling on my fasting? Thanks and may Allaah reward you... More
During the month of Ramadhaan and after breaking her fast at sunset, a woman intended to perform ablution for Maghrib prayer but detected the commencement of menses in the form of a brown secretion which preceded blood flow. It seemed to her to have begun flowing a short while earlier. Should she make up for the fasting of that day, as she was not.. More
I am going to take the treatment of fertility .for this ivf have to be done .my periods came on7 sep . doctor gave me injection for period withdrawal so periods came again after 15 days . My question is I should fast or not ? fast of ramadan ..Coz due to treatment habit of periods is changed .I think next month periods will not come at the normal time.. More
I have a sister who has ovarian cysts in her womb, and she fasted for two days in Ramadhaan. She has her menses daily when it is nearly time for Maghrib Athaan (call for the prayer), so shall she make up for these days or what?.. More
What is the ruling on a fasting woman who feels that her menses started before the time of breaking the fast, about ten minutes or in a period less than two hours? Is this day considered as a fasting day or do I have to make it up?.. More
Why won't the days a woman is menstruating in Ramadhaan count? .. More
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