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I decided to travel in Ramadhaan and intended not to fast on that day. As I was sick at the time, on the morning of that day I took the medicine that the doctor prescribed for me and had sex with my wife moments before traveling. What is the Sharee‘ah ruling, taking into consideration that I indeed traveled on that day? Is there a Kaffaarah (expiation).. More
salam aleikum. i have some questions. in ramadan i was almost 8 months pregnant and it was hard for me to fast because of this. for this i have only fast the last 10 days of ramadan and now after my child is born and my 40 days of bleeding has finnished i have start to fast the days what i have missed. my problem is that the night before i fast i say.. More
What is the expiation for having sexual intercourse deliberately thinking that time of breaking the fast was due after hearing the Athaan of Maghrib from a remote Masjid (Mosque)?.. More
A man had sexual intercourse with his wife during the daytime in Ramadhaan. Nevertheless, when he woke up, he said that he knew and remembered nothing about this. His wife, however, had the feeling that they had done so. What is the Sharee‘ah ruling on this? .. More
One day during this Ramadhaan, I awoke and had my Sahoor (pre-dawn meal) before Fajr. After that, moved by sexual desire, I took hold of my male organ and began to rub it. As I was doing this, the Athaan ofFajr was pronounced of which I took no heed although I heard it. It was after the ejaculation had occurred that I realized that the Athaan of Fajr.. More
Last Ramadhaan, I was raped by a work colleague and the sanctity of this day was violated despite my best efforts. So, am I required to offer expiation or just make up for this day? Please advise... More
I converted at the beginning of Ramadhaan so I am very new to Islam, however I am doing worse in Ramadhaan then before. I have ruined my fast by masturbating three times on three different days during the time of the fast. I am so guilty and angry with myself, I do not know what to do. I hate myself for this and feel no matter what I do,.. More
During fasting I had desire to have sexual intercourse. My wife and I are fasting so I foreplay until so much discharge oozes out from my wife's vagina. From my penis a clear fluid came out. But I did not put in my penis into the vagina; we just hugged each other and so on. There was no ejaculation also. Is my fast valid and please explain whether.. More
Whilst fasting during the holy month of Ramadhaan, one night I was making love to my wife late at night and whilst we were still making love, the Athaan for the Fajr was called. We were still in the act for couple of minutes after the call the Athaan. I did fast that day, however I am not sure as to if should fast another day after Ramadhaan.. More
Subject: making love after sunset during Ramadan. I have committed a sin according to some friends by having made love with my spouse after the sunset during the Ramadan. They referred me to authentic Hadith and also scholars' Fatawa that this act is not allowed. It was beyond our knowledge of this act. Hence we are applying to you for an advise.. More
What is the punishment of one who kissed an alien woman in Ramadan?.. More
What has Allah said about masturbation and does it end your Saum if you do it?.. More
Can a person sleep with his wife while he is fasting? Will the fast be broken if he did? What is the punishment for it if he knew and still did it?
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How can a husband behave with his wife in the daytime of Ramadan? I.e. can he enjoy her or kiss her in strong tendency but of course without having sex "Jema'a" with her especially we are new spouses for two months only. In other words, what are the limits and restrictions of such a relationship?
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I fast and I pray everyday during Ramadan. I made a huge mistake today, I slept with a girl so I can punish her for disrespecting me. "But it wasn't rape" and I would like to know what I should do to correct my mistake and get back to the right path. I feel sorry and bad for what I have done and I would like to hear an advise from you, I don't know.. More
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