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Assalamu alaykum, I have been through difficult times since about two month ago with Qur'an revision (I've memorised it completely) and with high school studies, but it has become more difficult with an increased sexual desire (I have been battling it since I was 16 and now I'm 18) and I feel tempted to masturbate to relieve my urges but I'm resisting.. More
My husband woke me up and told me we should have sexual intercourse. He was fasting I’m not fasting. I asked him after intercourse if his fast was broken or not he said he forgot he was fasting.. he was asleep and woke up feeling to do it but didn’t remember he is fasting. I told him we should go clean and he didn’t he went back to sleep.. is.. More
I have masturbated almost everyday in Ramadan(alhamdulilah I stopped), but I didn't know it breaks my fast, what should I do?
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I am a young boy of 15 get sexually arouse then i thought of having a wife and i start demonstrating how i will be doing to her this i did for few minute till i ejaculate so what is the position of my fast in ramadan but i did not masturbate
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Asalam-u-Alaikum Sir,I am now 15 years old and fasting on me was obligatory so during my fast i masturbate and did not take bath.But i didn't know that its haram during fast.What shall i do now
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Is semen retention imitating the kuffar ? Semen retention is the practice of avoiding ejaculation, like one who having sex with his wife or masturbating (ik is haram) , but he avoid the ejaculation, so he just want to feel pleasure and he Not ejaculation because he hold/avoid ejaculated, is it imitating the kuffar because the founder of this Pratice.. More
Assalamu alikum can i look into animi character during the study about different sex positions.. More
If i feel that i am about to ejaculate, then i stop it from releasing or hold it in, and then some semen comes out later with mathy or urine or it comes out it’s own drop, then is ghusl mandatory and does it break the fast?
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What kind of sexual interactions are meant when using the word mubaasharah? Does it involve touching the skin of the woman by the private part of the men?
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During the daytime of Ramadan, I engaged in foreplay with my wife by kissing her and having my genitals touch hers without penetration; unfortunately, I discharged semen as I could no longer control myself. When I saw that semen had been discharged, I continued the foreplay till I fulfilled my desire. Please help me expiate my sin before the advent.. More
When I wake up during Ramadan and find out that I had a wet dream, what should I do? If semen comes out because of doing something although I know that it arouses my sexual desire, what should I do? Should I perform ghusl (ritual bath) once the semen comes out, or should I complete my fasting and there is no harm on me? Please give a clear response.. More
What is the ruling on masturbation while fasting outside Ramadan? Shall one make up for such fasting?
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A man had foreplay with his wife during the daytime in Ramadan, without penetration, but ejaculation unintentionally took place for both. Since their fasting was broken by ejaculation, they had intercourse. What is the ruling?
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I read in a fatwa of yours that sexual desire does not invalidate fasting if it is not deliberate. I was very ignorant of my religion, but praise be to Allah, Allah guided me. When I used to fast, I did matters that aroused my desire, and I did not know whether I discharged any secretions or not. If the expiation of what I used to do out of ignorance.. More
One time, as I was wiping my penis off after I had urinated, I felt sexually aroused. I immediately stopped wiping. I thought that I was sexually aroused because of it. However, no semen came out. I had a doubt concerning my ritual purity. Therefore, I performed Ghusl (ritual bath). Please note that I only meant to wipe my penis to make sure that I.. More
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