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As salam mu alaikum My question is i stay in qatar and my job is to take people for umrah every week or onec in a month do i have to perform Umrah always or there is another way to skip and if i stay in Saudi Arabia like riyadh state and if i do the same job should i also do the umrah when ever i visit makkah and some time i have to travel to makkah.. More
What is better for the woman in the state of Ihram (ritual state of consecration): to recite Talbiyah loudly or secretly?
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How should a woman assume Ihram (ritual state of consecration) from the Meeqat (place at one which assumes Ihram)? Is it due on her to make Ghusl (ritual bath) there or at home?
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What are the rituals of ‘Umrah for someone who is travelling by ship?
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In case of assuming ihram (ritual consecration) for Tamattu‘ Hajj, what should a pilgrim say? Could you please answer quickly? May Allah reward you... More
I am a girl from Egypt. I am going to perform ‘Umrah, Allah willing, in the beginning of (the month of) Safar. I want to inquire about: 1) I will perform ghusl (ritual shower for purification) and make the intention of ihram (ritual consecration) from Egypt, is this valid? 2) While I am in the plane, what should I do, and where should my miqat (place.. More
We went to perform ‘Umrah this year. We passed by the Meeqaat but did not stop therein to perform prayer because we did not know how to access it. We entered the state of Ihraam about ten kilometers before the Meeqaat. What are we required to do now?.. More
Is it permissible for boys and girls aged between four and nine years to wear trousers while performing ‘Umrah? .. More
What is the manner of Talbiyah that a pilgrim has to say so that in case he is prevented from completing the rituals, he ends his Ihraam without responsibility to offer a sacrificial animal? If one is prevented and he ended the state of Ihraam, is he required to make up for Hajj? Is there a certain wording of Talbiyah for each of the three types of.. More
I have forgotten the name of the one who entrusted me to perform ‘Umrah on his behalf after some years passed and I would like to perform ‘Umrah on his behalf now, then how can the intention of ‘Umrah be achieved?.. More
Dear scholar, I am confused reading both opinion of great Shaykh Ibn Baaz (rah). The first Fatwa clearly says it is innovation to speak intention for Hajj/Umra and second fatwa says it is permissible rather better. Also, first point says it is Talbiya instead of intention but second point elaborates it as intention. Please clarify. Speaking the.. More
I made Ghusl (ritual bathing) and then wore the clothes of Ihraam. Afterwards, I shaved my armpit while wearing Ihraam clothes. So, what is the ruling on that? What should I do? When I shaved I thought that I was allowed to do so while wearing the clothes of Ihraam... More
Does wearing the garment of Ihraam to check its size and suitability make one in the state of Ihraam and he cannot end it unless he carries out the rituals? If yes, should he end his Ihraam after ‘Umrah or Hajj? .. More
Is it necessary for the validity of Ihraam or for starting the rituals that a pilgrim must be in a state of Tahaarah (ritual purity), perform ablution and Ghusl (ritual bathing), then, pray two Rak‘ahs (units) after the intention? Would Ihraam be valid if a Muslim intended to carry out the rituals of Hajj or ‘Umrah (lesser pilgrimage) in the.. More
As Salaam Alaikum, I have a question about Ihram. My flight time to Jeddah is about 9 hours, so I'm planning to wear Ihram clothes before boarding the Airplane and when the flight comes close to Meeqat make Niya and enter into Ihram. If suppose for any reason during the flight the clothes of Ihram gets impure (maybe because of the toilets in plane are.. More
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