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Praise be to Allah, I performed the rituals of Hajj, but some small drops of urine used to come out of me. I am thinking about this ever since I returned from Hajj. Is my Hajj accepted or not? Should I repeat the Hajj, in spite of its great expenses, or is there an expiation that I should observe. Please advise... More
I arrived at Makkah to perform ‘Umrah. I arrived after the ‘Ishaa’ prayer. I did not pray Maghrib. After tawaf (circumambulating), I combined and shortened Maghrib and ‘Ishaa’, then I performed sa‘y (going back and forth between Mount Safa and Mount Marwah). Is my ‘Umrah valid, knowing that I came from Kuwait by plane?.. More
During Tawaaf, I saw a pilgrim near me beating another one with his leg. I stopped him with my hand and said to him: "Why are you doing that to your brother?" Thereupon, he wanted to beat me on my face with his shoe without saying any word. I said to him: "Sufficient for me Is Allaah and He Is The Best Disposer of affairs." Then he drew the shoe from.. More
Was it authenticated that the Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, made the supplication at the Multazam during ‘Umrah or was it one of the companions? .. More
In 2002 I went on Hajj. On ‘Arafah day I started to menstruate. However, I did all the rites of Hajj except for the Tawaaf Al-Ifaadhah. I waited for the termination of menses but unfortunately it did not stop, although my group delayed our return home. In the night we were to travel back home I felt I was dry and thus I thought that the menstruation.. More
a.alaykum alhamdullilah this year i had gone hajj but ihave some queries in arafa we had stayed there untill 12.30 pm because there was no buses to take us to muzdalifa and we had old and sick women with us we reach muzdalifa almost one oclock but ihad prayed in arafa maghrib and isha prayer when we reach muzdalifa we pick stones and we left to jamarat.. More
Assalamu Alaikum Can you discontinue your tawaf and restart fresh one in case you forget istilam ,Idhtiba ,doubt regarding no of round or you have doubt whether you started from Hajre aswad or not ? or can you repeat tawaf in case of above said circumstances ? I understand that if you have doubt regarding any condition which are responsible for a.. More
Assalamu Alaikum If someone by mistake made intention to finish his tawaf a step shorter than required , thereafter he continue to move in flow of crowd and hence covered this one step but this one step is not with intention of tawaf. In this situation , will tawaf be counted as complete or incomplete ? .. More
Sir In Islam Assalmu Alikum The cases where tawaf after interruption is resumed from where left off, I want to be clarified about the resumption spot . If someone perform tawaf at the second floor, then interruption occurs .Now tell me ,can’t he resume his tawaf on the mataf area near Holy kaba as close as possible and of course at the parallel.. More
Respected Sir in Islam Assalmu Alaikum If someone performed tawaf with his child and his child becomes separated due to crowd .then he moves back to get his child .In this scenario ,holy kaba becomes to his right for a few steps. But of course that much distance is repeated again correctly ,that is holy kaba with his left ,once he got the child and.. More
At every TAWAF we have to say diffrent doas .. More
salam just wanted to know during tawaf al ifadah in hajj i was so anxious to complete the 7 circuits that i was walking very fast and may have at times even ran the reason i did this was i wanted to complete 7 circuits before my wudu broke because i cant keep wudu for too long i know its sunnah to walk at modertae pace so by walking fast and at time.. More
Assalamu Alaikkum I did Hajj in 1993 , That was Hajj ul Ifrad. After Iharam we come to Makka. Instead of doing Tawaful Qudum , I did Tawaful Ifadha and Saei of Hajj. Then gone to Mina and Arafa.After we gone for Musdalifa and then thrown the stone at morning . then gone to mina stayed there 3 days . During theses days we thrown the stones corrrectly... More
If a woman starts menstruating after throwing the Jamrat Al-‘Aqabah (the large pillar) and before performing Tawaaf Al-Ifaadhah and she and her husband are part of a group and have to return with them, what should she do, taking into consideration that she cannot ever return? .. More
I performed Hajj and started menstruating, but I felt shy to tell any one and I entered the Holy Mosque, prayed and performed Tawaaf and Sa‘y. What should I do, taking into consideration that I had it after having post-partum bleeding?.. More
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