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If a woman started her post-partum bleeding on the day of Tarwiyah (eighth of Thu’l Hijjah) and completed the pillars of Hajj with the exception of Tawaaf and Sa’y (walking between Mounts Safa and Marwah), and then realizes that she has tentatively attained purity after ten days, should she purify herself, perform Ghusl (ritual bathing) and.. More
A woman traveled to perform Hajj and menstruated five days after her journey began. After reaching the Meeqaat (designated zone to don Ihraam), she performed Ghusl and assumed the state of Ihraam while she had not yet attained purity from menstruation. When she reached Makkah, she remained outside the Holy Mosque and did not do any of the rites.. More
The Sa‘y between As-Safa and Al-Marwah is done in compliance with the practice of Haajar the wife of Prophet Ibraaheem, may Allaah exalt his mention.
My question is, why are men, but not women, required to do Ramal between the two green marks during Sa‘y when they do that in compliance with a woman’s practice?
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May Allaah accept fasting and Qiyaam (standing in Prayer) from us and you. I went for making ‘Umrah (lesser pilgrimage) in Ramadhaan, and all praise is due to Allaah, but in Tawaaf I did not do Ramal during the first three rounds. Also, in Sa‘y I did not run between the two green marks. In the third Sa‘y, I went to drink water because I did.. More
It was my first time to go for ‘Umrah some time ago and I was not aware of the rulings of ‘Umrah. While circumambulating the Ka‘bah in the second and the third rounds I was not sure whether I made any Athkaar or supplications or not. Therefore, I made two rounds to substitute the second and third rounds. I recited some reported supplications.. More
A woman performed Tawaaf without ablution and forgot to repeat it during the month of Hajj. What is she required to do?.. More
Allaah Blessed me with Hajj two years ago. It was the first time I performed Hajj. After I threw the pebbles for Al-‘Aqabah Al-Kubra, I shaved my hair, terminated the state of Ihraam, and spent the night of the 11 and 12 days of Thul-Hijaah in Mina. Whilst there, I threw the pebbles (of the 11th and 12th) then I went to Makkah to perform the farewell.. More
During Hajj, and while circumambulating the Ka‘bah, I made the first two rounds at the ground floor. Because the place was overcrowded and I was unable to continue in the ground floor, I went to the second floor and performed the remaining five rounds without starting from the beginning. Is that valid?.. More
Asalamu alaikum,
when i was in hajj i had taken the pill to stop my menses however during the time of hajj i was expecting to start my menses and on the day of arafat i saw lil drops of brownish discharge but i was unsure on what to do..the following day i asked a imam and he said this is your period and that i cannot do my ziyarat tawaf..however.. More
is the two rakats after tawaf sunnah or wajib.
is there a difference of opinion between scholars and is a sacrifice neccessary if one does not offer the 2 rakah after tawaf
Assalamoalaikum ! I have a question about Haj .....last year mashallah Iwent to perform Haj there was some mistakes that had been made by me......I had performed Haj tamatu when I was performing tawaf in the welcome umrah I felt that I had liqoria but I did not go to check it and peformed the whole umrah in that condition later when I checked.. More
why we take 7 rounds around the kaba on hajj and is the beard very important sunna to do thanks i be happy if u give me the answer with the words from quran or hadith saalamaalaikum.. More
A man's Izaar partly falls off during Tawaaf and some of his nakedness shows. He covers himself quickly. Does he have to repeat the round (shawt) only or does he have to start the Tawaaf all over? .. More
A brown line is drawn from the black stone to the periphery of the Haraam, representing the end of a circuit or all of the Tawaaf (as the case may be). This line did not exist in the time of the Messenger, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, yet he completed his Manaasik appropriately. Is it permissible for us following his pathway to disregard the.. More
I performed hajj first in 1994, I was not sure if I did Tawaf al-Ifada or not. This year I went to Makkah again, there I asked a scholar and he said just do it and you will be fine. That is what I did. The following day he said that I have to sacrifice a camel. I am not sure which one is right. Please advise me. Was my Tawaf good enough or i have to.. More
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