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By the will and grace of Allaah Almighty, I will go to Hajj this season. However, I have the following problem: due to the unavailability of places on the plane, I will have to go back to my country the morning of the twelfth day of Thul-Hijjah. This means that I will have to throw the three pebbles on the first day of tashreeq and will not be able.. More
Dear Scholar, This year I went to perform Haj from Riyadh as I am working here in Riyadh. I have been doing all until I reached Jamarat for rami then I lost my Volt having Iqama money phones and others in side then I moved to Haram and handover my pebbles to another person as I was almost unmovable due to thirst hunger and walking finally I could not.. More
What is the ruling on the woman who travelled with her husband for Hajj and he died before completing the rituals?.. More
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