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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته A person is in university and has got in due to taking a riba based tuition fee loan. There’s also free mixing that occurs in the Uni and other Har?m that he tries to avoid. If this person gets bursary/scholarship money from the Uni is this money halal? As he is a student due to paying a riba.. More
Aoa, I work in oil company and after period of 10 years my company give me house building loan without any interest. I hv to return back exactly the same amount which company give to me. Problem is that our company cut a minor amount of premium from our salary and insured that house building loan to some insurance company so that in case of employee.. More
Assalamu alaykum warahmatulLahi wabarakatuhu. I have read your fatawas on this topic, but have more questions. I'm a student and my father and mother pay may education, but their money mixed, haraam with halal. Can i continiue to study? What about extra lessons can i take extra lessons by asking money from parents? Can i ask them for some my needs beyond.. More
Salam Alekum. 2 years a go i bought with my wife a house with a riba based loan. At the time we were tempted because of our housing situation. In that 2 year we renoveded the house and we feel at home but also feel guilt for our sin. Now we regret our sin en hoop Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will forgive our sins. Should we sell the house. If yes what.. More
)Is it permissible to work as an account receivable specialist ( have to record sales tax liability to the government)? 2. is it ok to work in audit where you are not auditing any interest related , and the company you are auditing is not engaging in haram activities( gambling , brewery etc) ? is there any other part I have to look out for 3. How about.. More
Is attending a property transaction where buyer is getting loan forbidden?What I have read till now is indulging in riba in anyway is forbidden, be it taking, giving, making contract, executing or being witness. My questions: 1) What if I do not facilitate loan but get leads of muslim buyers who are willing to take loan on their own...can I work for.. More
Assalaamu Alaykum,I used to live in Uk. My visa expired and i had to leave the country . while coming back i took out a loan of £20k from UK bank to do some business back home . I always intended to payback the bank once i have the business established.My partner cheated on me and stole all of the money and ran abroad. Now i am broke and i fear if.. More
My dad purchased a home on a riba based loan. Is it halal for me to rent it from him for a set price and pay him monthly for it? without interest? Since the house is technically still under the Riba loan and the money I am giving him for rent may be used to pay it off?
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatu Llahi wa barakatu.If a relative buy a house with riba (bank loan), can He inherite his relative's house when he dies?
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Assalamualaikum wa rehmatullah,
Long back we had business crisis and for that my father had taken bank loan and that bank charges some amount of interest. A said amount of money has to be paid to the bank monthly for 10 years with interest. A few years has passed already and due to the will of Allah my father died in a car accident, and now my brother.. More
Due to some financial difficulties at young age i had to take high mark up loan which i am paying and still some amount i have to pay further i thin k at current stage it seems to me the interest i am paying has eliminated barkat from my life however i am determined to pay this loan and get relief please tell me was it better decision to take loan with.. More
salam alaykom ,I have a question regarding student loans in the country I live in.The government here loans money to students to pay for their study.Now the policy here is that these loans are indexed meaning because of inflation rates of the currency the loan may increase according to thsoe inlfation rates.The government says that they dont charge.. More
Asalam alakumI live in non Islamic countryI have taken loan on interestI was having little knowledge that interest is Haram . Now finally I have decided to close that loan and in future I will not take any type of loan on interest. I have repented to Almighty Allah for my sins.Now my question is the loan which I take before 5years for business every.. More
I work for a NGO and my basic salary is 7447 birr ( Ethiopian birr). 50% of that money is further deposited into an account on my behalf ( provident fund, as they call it) with a small but poisonous interest (35 birr for every 1000 birr). How should I deal with that kind of money? Thank you.
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Salaam aleikum. I'm a man in my 30s and when I was a teenager my father forced a student loan on me without my approval. He went to the office with me and forced me to take the loan and sign my name by intimidating and threatening me. It didn't matter how many times I said I didn't want to, he just didn't care.At that time I also didn't know that taking.. More
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