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Salaam Alikum, My question is regarding money I borrowed from someone to go to school. I borrowed money from my Mom to go to school for something, she did not have the money so she took out the money from a line of credit from the bank for me as long as I agreed to pay the minimum monthly payments for it. My Mom had to declare bankruptcy not to long.. More
O noble shaykh, Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah. One of my friends is totally drowned under interest(riba). He made this much loan because of his education. He finished his graduation 4 years before. Still he is paying off the loan that he made. The irony is, he is still paying the interest of the loan and he has been paying for more than 4 years. He.. More
Salam alaikom. I am new muslim from Finland Al-hamdulillaah. Before islam i had busines, it was haram and i have take loan with riba for that. After i became muslim and get knowledge that its haram, i sold company, but for me stayed much dept. I was without work sometime after. Dept what stayed has grow now becouse of riba one third bigger, and still.. More
Assalamu Alaikum, I live in a non muslim county , I had purchased a computer system on my credit card a 5 years ago, which was from an usury bank. After purchasing it I didn’t repay the debts in time and also avoided to pay it. After a long period my debts became doubled by an applied interest. The bank had blocked my card and continued reminding.. More
a husband asks his wife to deposit her money in an islamic bank, but she refuses, to what extent is he involved in this sin? what does he do?.. More
salaam aleykum,
When I was born my mother (non-muslim)opened a bankaccount on my name. Recently I got married and she said I can now receive the money from this account. But what do I have to do with the interest? She opened the account so I think the sin is hers, but I'm confused about it because she opened the account on my own name... More
Dear Moulana Sahab,i have taken Credit Cards & Car loan from Non Islamic Banks which i regret on daily basis & i pray to ALLAH to release me from this HARAAM means. Moreover, i have purchased Bonds from Ahli Bank with intention that if i won any price money from them i will settle my outstanding Loan amount and rest of the money will be given.. More
Asallamolikum! Two years ago i took bank loan on my house without much realising and felling the prey for shaitan in form of interest etc. Now when I finally sold my house on much loss to avoid interest, I still have a specific sum to pay to the bank which is very very hard to pay back since i lost my job and looking for new one which is equally.. More
as salaam alikum WA rah math Ulla e WA barakathu, Dearest Shaikh, i am in a dilemma whether to accept a project/contract to build a house for my sister ... the point is my brother-in -law will be using the money partially (more than 50 %) from the banks ... is this permitted for me to work for him ...another thing is i need this job as i am out of work.. More
Assalamu alaikum, a friend of mine is taking an ECE course(early childhood education) and its a base on loan and she'll pay before the date that it will start the interest,free of interest with in certain amount of time and then few months of the course she'll need to take the practicum in which all kind of non muslim holidays like eastern, christmass.. More
i met road accident before ten years and i claimed on govt. i won the case and now gov. has puted Rs.90,000 as fixed diposit in one bank for which i am getting interest of Rs. 1700/- every quarterly and principle amount of Rs. 90,000 will be received after next seven years. Where can I utilize the principle amount as well as the interest amount received.. More
Dear Scholar – Asslam alaikum, A person buys a taxi car by taking a loan from conventional bank by giving interest and he start earning by driving the taxi. It is clear that paying interest is forbidden, but my question is what about the money he earn from that taxi car by himself driving it, is that haram for him because he own the taxi in haram.. More
Assalam Dar Al Falah community education association is a muslim association which teaches arabic and islamic studies to muslim children in the Glasgow community it is permited to apply for funds and grants to cover the running costs and charges of the school from funders like LLyods TSB and Abbey National charitable Trust banks my question is that:.. More
Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatu... May allaah bless all of your team for this wonderful work..Aameen.. My question is: Can Loan be taken from Public Provident Fund (PPF) on Interest Basis which is low when compared to the market. My father is in Police Dept. and he can get a loan of 1 lakh rupees from his PPF on low interest. As we are try.. More
Is it ok to help pay off my parents mortgage which is not an islamic mortgage but an interest based one. They would find it diffficult to change to an islamic one because of the lump sum fee you have to pay to the islamic company first. .. More
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