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Imagine this situation. A husband dies, leaving only a rich wife with two daughters who have not reached puberty. Who supports these daughters financially, only the rich mother? Please tell me what you think is the most correct opinion because I have seen a lot of ikhtilaf on this topic. Please note that there are no grandparents on either the mother's.. More
Aoa, my mother had 20-21 lac Rs as her inheritance. My uncles lied and said it was only 2 lac Rs. For years mother kept asking but they didn't give rather they kept enjoying their lifestyle while we stayed on rent. Few years ago uncle got sick and called siblings to resolve the issue. Due to emotional pressure or thinking that uncle would never give.. More
Assalaamu ‘Alaykum; Please calculate the inheritance according to the following information -Does the deceased have male relatives who are entitled to inherit: (A full brother) Number 1 (A nephew from a full brother) Number 1 -Does the deceased have female relatives who are entitled to inherit : (A full sister) Number 1 - Additional information :.. More
Assalaamu ‘Alaykum; Please calculate the inheritance according to the following information -Does the deceased have male relatives who are entitled to inherit: (A full brother) Number 1 (A nephew from a full brother) Number 1
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My grandfather died in 2011. He had no sons but 3 daughters, 4 brothers, and 3 sisters. Problem here is related to inheritance land. Even if all other property gets distributed, what about the land of house in which her wife is living. Heirs are now demanding division of home too, torturing my grandmother to just give up. Shouldn't my grandmother live.. More
Salam. I am Sehrish from Pakistan. My father died in 2016. We are 4 daughters and 2 brothers. During his last years my father gave all his property (plots, houses, agricultural lands) to 2 sons, in his will, using some legal rule " Khidmat Hibba". Our father was well and healthy till his death and had two pensions and was not burden on my brothers at.. More
Assalam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh,Is it halal or haram to share a message written by a deceaded Muslim, rahimo Allah, in order to clarify some issues with other Muslims ? BaarakAllahu fikum for your answer.
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Assalam alaikum,Unfortunately my father passed away recently and now it's only me,my mother and my sister. Our father was the sole breadwinner of the family,after he left the only thing we have now is a land and a house which were both under my father's name. Me and my sister are quite young and have not even completed school yet. When he was there.. More
salam allakum.both my parents passed may God have mercy on them.also they were divorced my sisters stayed in us with our mother,my father and i returned to syria on his land we had many trees and required work we also built 2 story building 1 was for my sisters and 2was for me also we built 3 story building but nothing was said about sisters both are.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I heard that girls do not inherit from their aunt, could you please state where this is true or not and provide evidence, if possible? May Allaah reward you.
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What are the five cases in which the female's share in the inheritance is half that of the male?
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Assalaamu alaykum dear Scholars. My question is the following: I married the widow of my elder brother who had a son. Unfortunately the marriage ended in a divorce after two months. Will my nephew (who is now considered as my son due to my marriage to his mother) get any share from my inheritance upon my death? What responsibilities do I have regarding.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I got married six months ago. After two months of marriage, my wife started getting symptoms of dilated cardiomyopathy and went into treatment for four months until she died last month because of a pulmonary valve leak. We were very happy as a coupleafter our marriage and loved and respected each other a lot. My in-laws were also.. More
Can a homosexual or transgender inherit Islamically?
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Assalaamu alaykum. Please calculate the inheritance according to the following information: - Does the deceased have male relatives who are entitled to inherit: (A son) Number 1 - Does the deceased have female relatives who are entitled to inherit: (A daughter) Number 1 - Additional information: My mother expired a few days ago and she owned property.. More
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