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Two years back I had taken a Fatwa from you. That is 85032. In which you had recommended that in Islam women can also propose a man.
In my case it is not possible. As I belong to another country and have my responsibilities here. He belongs to another country and he has kids, and other responsibility there. He is also not aware of my feeling.. More
Can I marry a Japanese girl has got into Islam three months ago. In order to learn hear Islam and take here a way from the unbelieving condition surrounding her. I mean, then my intention is not to build a family and have children and so on, but this marriage is will continue only for few years are maybe continue forever if she became a good Muslim... More
I have a very serious problem.
I'm 26, a doctor, an only daughter; I have a younger brother and very loving parents Al-Hamdu Lillaah. My parents have been very supportive always Maashaa' Allaah, they really want the best for me and I can never think of hurting them. I don't want to disobey them both for their sake and because Allaah says.. More
I have a sexual problem, premature ejaculation, and I'm 28-years-old, I don't know what Islam says about this situation, and I did want to doctors but they ask me to get medicine that it will be good to use only the time when I be with a lady, or I do it by myself, and I cannot get married at this time, because I don't know if I will be.. More
I have a fiancée and her parents like me and agree with our relationship, the problem is, they won't and never give us permission to get marry when we are studying but now, I fear that I couldn't control myself and commit Zina (I really afraid) and I feel that it is Waajib for me to get marry.. So, what should I do now? Should I get marry using.. More
I have done only nikah and my mom says we will take her after 2 years, and not me talk to her when we are alone and not even let me touch her hand, are they doing right thing, please help me. .. More
I am a 27 year old man working in Saudi Arabia. I have been acceptance at an Australian university to study for a masters in nursing, but I have only about 15000 $. This money is enough to get married. So now I do not know what to do? I have the choices of getting married or going to Australia for stud. What must I do according to the priorities in.. More
I am just celebrating my 40th birthday. As of today, Ihavebeen unable tomeet the right spouse. I was engaged three years ago, but it did not work out. Lately, Iam becoming more isolated and very shyabout going out and attending social events. The reason is that most of my friends and people in my social circle are married. Attending events as a.. More
Due to a serious medical problem at 18 year old I had to have a Hysterectomy. I have read some where that due to being infertile I am unable to marry. What is the ruling on this?.. More
There is a woman living here in Denmark, who is married and has 2 children. She is without residence in Denmark; her husband also lives in Denmark. Now she wants to make a marriage agreement with another man on paper to get a residence permit. Can she do that?.. More
I am a 21 years old widow with a 1-year-old son. Is it compulsory for me to get married or I can live as a widow through out my life? May Allah (SWT) guide us to the right path... More
I am now 16 years old, almost 17, andI want to get married. How shouldI tell my father thatI want to get married? Now he works in England and there are 2 men looking for wives and he tells my mom to look for wives for them.My mom told me about them and the next nightI dreamed one of them was about to ask for my hand and then the dream just stopped.I.. More
I am a young male in college. There are many temptations in college and I don’t think I can take it any more. I try hard to keep my gaze down but I cant. I fast about 2 or 3 times a week but still feel very weak. I feel that my father can help me get married but he says he wants me to depend on myself. He won’t let me leave college to get a job.. More
What is the place of a female in Islam who is unmarried, aged 45, with no one to support her financially, and is very disturbed about her old age? There is total darkness about her future. Guide according to Islam.
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I want to know about marriage in Islam... More
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