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Assalaamu alaykum. I have been married for six years and have two little kids. Ever since we got married, my husband and I live seperately in two countries due to his job. He visits us once a year and spends about a month of time with us. We have not ever lived together for three months as he is working abroad. I have managed to live by myself thelast.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I told my husband that, acording to Islam, a married woman has the right to have her own home, meaning that she gets to live alone with her husband in peace, without somebody from his family living with them and causing trouble. His response was that if that is true, then why did the Prophet's daughter, Faatimah, live with her mother-in-law.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I married my husband out of my own consent. He is from a different state within India and hence from a different culture. Soon after marriage, his family asked me to take a loan of four lakhs by pawning four lakhs that my father had given me at the time of my marriage, which I did. Soon after, they asked me to pay back two lakhs that.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. If a wife wants to work, is it ok if the husband lets her work in exchange of her exempting him from her financial maintenance by him? The husband gives her two options: 1) not work 2) work, but she will be responsible for her maintenance.
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Assalaamu alaykum. I read an article backed by scientific evidence on psychology that in long-term relationships like marriages, living apart most of the time keeps the spark alive for couples. I also feel the same. Can one try this sort of things to make their married life interesting and exciting, like by sending the wife to her parent's home and.. More
Assalaamu alaykum respected panel. First of all, I would like to say that I trust my husband and that he is a pious man who fears Allaah and does his best to act upon the rulings of Islam, and I trust that he will never lie or betray me, Allaah willing. My question is regarding his male friends, coworkers, etc. I know that guys share "certain jokes".. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I came across these words of the Scholar Ibn Jawzi, may Allaah have mercy upon him: “The wife should have her own bed, and the husband should have his own bed. They should not engage in intimacy except in a state of [physical] perfection.” [Sayd Al-Khatir, p: 606] In light of this, is it permissible for spouses to have separate.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Is there anything wrong if a married couple decide to stay in separate arrangements (either in separate houses within the city or the husband in a separate city)? The wife will be kept in a safe place. They will meet regularly (almost weekly) and will be in regular communication. The husband will bear all the financial costs of the.. More
Assalaam alaykum. Is there any hint in the biography of our Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, or the writings of the Salaf (pious predecessors) on the ideal number of times per week or month that a couple should have intimacy in a way that keeps both of them satisfied and also prevents them from getting bored of each other (since too little.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I live with my husband and his parents, and his parents do not plan to move. I can accept this with one condition. I want to ask my husband to take me somewhere once every two or three months without his parents or without anyone else, just me and him, because I am really grieving the loss of privacy with my husband. If my husband.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I have one question. I am married, but two years ago, I went to Saudi Arabia to get a job, and I am getting a good salary. Before coming to Saudi Arabia, my seven-month-old daughter died, and my finacial condition was not good at that time.My wife was also undergoing some depression, so I requested my wife to allow me to go to Saudi.. More
My mother-in-law lives with us. She lives downstairs and we live upstairs in the same house. Her door is always open and we can see her anytime we wish. Her apartment is bigger than us. Our apartment is very small. If you come out of the bedroom or the bathroom, you are in living room. Recently, she has been sick with a cough, and she says that it gets.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah, respected Mufti. My query is: who should pay the expenditures if one's wife is studying (like Medicine for women and child health) and she does not have a job? Is it included in spending on her? Or does the wife have to return this to the husband? May Allaah reward you well.
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Assalaamu alaykum Shaykh. I have a problem and need your advice. I and my small children have made Hijrah (emigration) to Morocco. My husband will not be able to join us for maybe two years, so he is currently in Sweden. My mother-in-law lives in france with her husband, but ever since I and my children moved to Morocco, she has been here with us for.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. My husband is very genuine and strictly follows Islam, but, as a wife, I do not get any opportunity to serve him or help him. He does not share anything with me regarding his personel health. He does not like to get any help from me or from others, so how can I get a reward from Allaah when he does not share his personal condition.. More
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