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What kind of ice cream is halal? Give me some names for future shopping.
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Is Kangaroo meat Halal?.. More
I would like to a get a detailed answer on "Halal" fish. I keep hearing that Catfish is not Halal or lobster is not Halal. What is the agreed upon Fatwa?.. More
I'm a new Muslim who lives in Japan. I'm Japanese. Can you please tell me what is the lawful and unlawful of food? I mean what kind of food is lawful and what kinds is unlawful, in detail, please?.. More
Can I eat horse meat?.. More
Are prawns Halal? I heard it is undesirable to eat them, but I'm not sure... More
Is Alligator or Crocodile permissible to eat? It is from the water but it is also a predator. Please advise.
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Concerning prohibited meat. Is duck meat even Makruh? How can we distinguish Halal and Haram meat or food? Like let's say a cat, dog, donkey, etc. Please throw some light on this subject, as I am not certain.
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Is eating of rabbit prohibited?.. More
Could you tell me the ruling on caffeine in Islam? Is it forbidden to drink coffee or tea? What about coke or other fizzy drinks?.. More
I want to know what are the prohibited foods in Islam. Is coca cola, Pepsi, Sprite, and 7 up, all Haram in Islam?.. More
1. Ajino moto is a salt, used in food. Its made by China. In the light of Islam, is this Halal or Haram?2. Fried chicken, which is food. Is it Halal or Haram?.. More
Shrimps are Halal or Haraam?... More
I happen to buy the meat from a shop owned by a Persian, known in the area to sell Halal meat. I came to know that the meat not Halal and some people also say that he buys it from some other place and just puts a sticker on it saying 'Halal' for his business to prosper. This is the first part of the question. The second part is that there is this Hindu.. More
I know that fish is Halal for Muslims. Please tell me if shrimp, clams, crab meat and sea foods are also Halal. Let me know specifically which is Halal and which is Haram... More
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