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Explain wearing the turban on the head according to Sunnah and the practice of the companions of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam)... More
I have a question about the "Isbaal" clothes above the ankle. I have heard that Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah and Sheikh Shawkani said: that there is no harm if you leave your clothes hangs below your ankle if you are doing that without arrogance (I don't know how you call it in English). Can you please tell me the source or witch book it is called?.. More
Let me first introduce myself, my name is Mohammed Tariq and I am from Hyderabad, India. I have recently graduated and Al-Hamdu Lillah, I am a doctor now and in the near future I am planning to move to U.K. Now my questions are: 1) Is it permissible to wear a lower garment that covers the ankle? 2) How long should a persons beard be? I have spoken to.. More
Is the man allowed to wear a watch mixed with a little gold (the frame of the watch is gold)?.. More
Can we wear black cap? One Palestine friend told that black cap is a Jews symbol and style?.. More
I was advised by two Imams that wearing silver chains or bracelets is not lawful, but I couldn't find any information with regards to this anywhere, could you advise me if it is? They say that it represents something peculiar to women, so we shouldn't wear it; I don't feel this is right of them to say, without stating some proof.
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I live in South Africa. My question is about Islaamic rulings. In a mosque where we are used to pray an Imaam wears a cloth which cover his two ankles and one person decided to pray alone (not to follow Imaam) because there is a Hadeeth that says any one who covers his ankles will be in Jahannam. Is this correct? Is it Waajib for the whole.. More
I live in the 'West Caribbean'. The Muslims here are assimilating to the local people's lifestyle including dress. We see men wearing short pants above the knees showing their thighs. Please issue a Fatwa with Sharia evidence refuting this practice, so that I may present it to the Muslims here. Thank you very much, may Allah bless you with all that.. More
Is wearing pants and American and Jewish clothes Halal or Haram? In Hadith it is said: "A man who behaves like another man will be standing with him on the day of Qiyammah" ... More
Is it ok to wear neckties that show a tag reading 100 percentage silk when most of the material is synthetic silk?.. More
Is it Sunnah to wear a Muslim hat?
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In Fatwa number 85622 a scholar has stated that it is permissible to wear the tie. However, I have read and heard that it is impermissible to use the tie because it symbolizes the cross, and in essence when a Muslim wears a tie he is imitating the non-believers... More
I've had been asked by some friends whom just embraced Islam about wearing of gold by men. Please send me the Fatwa with proofs from Qur'an and Hadith about prohibiting men from wearing gold.
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Is it Haram for a man to wear a chain around his neck even if it's not gold?.. More
I have a question about dressing during sex. Are there any books in Urdu dealing with this subject?.. More
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