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Esselamu Laykum , My Q-is from a group of muslims for the right answer in our socity we need to make an answer becouse we are asked .
Q-Is 1. -- In case man and woman have no kids , and they are in deep love with each other , they go to doctor and they advise special medicine which is popular now a days , doctor adwise to get sperm of Pigs or something.. More
I am possibly going to have a c section because i have been told i will have a big baby inshallah.The thing is the person who admits the injection is male .there are no females who distribute this proceedure.What i need to know is it allowed for them to do this .My husband believes in the suunah way of life and is not keen for this to happen .The hospital.. More
For the treatment of disorder of my pancreas a doctor has prescribed a drug containing pancreatin from the pancreas of swine and there appear to be no substitute available here in Rome. Being a Muslim I must avoid that but considering the medical condition I thought of seeking Islam's view in such situation. .. More
Alsalam alaikom we rahmat Allah we barakatoh, respected Scholars, How are the rules for a muslima being treated by a male doctor? I am pregnant and due to deliver in about 3 weeks. For the last weeks of pregnacy I am staying with my parents cause my husband is very busy at work, more than 12hours a day so he might not be at home when labor begins. so.. More
Bismillah Assalaam Alaikum warahamtuhlahi wabarakatuh! May Allah bless you and preserve you. It has been recently discovered that I have genetically inhereited two different types of blood clotting disorders, one is very rare. I have a blood clot in my femur and and am pregnant in my third trimester as well. The Dr. has told me that due to the severity.. More
Assalaamu alaikum, A sister from our forums is asking the following question, " 1. is it permissible to use medicinal marijuana in the case of a painful chronic illness? 2. is it permissible to take intoxicants during labor such as demerol, morphine, or laughing gas? i am asking these questions together because i have been through labor twice. the pain.. More
Can A Muslimah would be diognised by a expert Male gynaecologist (mushrik).. More
My girl friend is going to give birth . All people we know was curing child's navel by medical alcohol spirits but my brother told that it is haram because of hadis that when Allah prohibited for Jews to eat dead meat they began greasing their boats by its fat and so they was damned for disobeying. Now we don’t know what to use he told in pharmacies.. More
I was wondering what the Islamic stand point is when it comes to health products/Medicine that are either in a base of alcohol or a gelatin capsule derived from pork?Most allopathic medicine in capsule form is derived from pork and some natural medicine also. As a Nutritionist I was wondering if the sale of these items containing pork or alcohol.. More
I m a Muslim girl, I want to know if it is possible to apply the fat pork on my back as a medicine? .. More
What is the Islamic perspective on reiki and yoga?.. More
I have low sperm count, and had an operation and the count improved but not to the desired volume and making a lot of Istighfaar prayers and Du’aa, specially at the last third of nights and taking medication, after all I know and confirm that Allaah can make it happen even without medication.
I was advised to drink ginseng, it is a natural.. More
If there is a critical patient in a hospital, hooked on a life supporting machine, and the doctors said his chances of living are very slim. At the same time another patient is checked in and is also in need of the same machine (it happens to be the only one). This patient has a bigger chance of surviving according to the doctors. Is it permissible.. More
I have a question regarding some Muslim doctors and their medical specializations. I have read the rulings of Shaykh Bin Baz and other scholars regarding male doctors treating female patients and vice versa and Al-Hamdu Lillaah, I have understood these rulings. However, my question is regarding those Muslim male doctors who knowingly and intentionally.. More
I am a student and I have to take very tough exams in three months. I have severe memory problems right from my teenage years. I have short term memory loss problems. Now that it is very critical for me to pass these exams, I am having problems remembering things in my studies. I am working hard to remember but it's not helping. My husband and.. More
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