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52 fatwas

  • Wearing dental braces just to please the husband

    My husband is not pleased with my teeths and he wants the front teeths to be cut and that I wear braces pure only for beautification, is that permissible? What does islam say about being too honest, like your husband saying that he does not like dark skin colour (i am dark skinned) and that I walk weird etc. Sometimes he really says hurtful things and.. More

  • Increasing one's height if he is not too short

    Assalamu alaikum.Based on fatwa 186419 , I know increase height using exercise and eating nutrition is permissible.The change is permanent because our bone will grow.My question is can we use this technique for any reasons?Including increase height for beauty especially for NORMAL HEIGHT person? Surely this will boost self confidence too and give.. More

  • Distressed because of abnormal shape of nose

    Aselamu aleykum, My question is regarding cosmetic surgery. I was born with a nose too short at its end that people refer to it as 'flat'. I have family members making fun of me since childhood and asking where i came from because i look different from everybody around. Even today as an adult, children sometimes make fun of me (some have even asked.. More

  • Using semi-tattoo procedure to hide baldness

    Assalam Alaikum Wa Rah Wa Bar, I am the Sheikh/Imam at Masjid Preston, I have a question requesting clarification. There is system called semi hair tattooing for balding men. Your hair must be shaved or trimmed short for the system to look good. The system is used to fix defects in the skull from surgery and also to give the impression that someone.. More

  • Transplanting hair in the forehead to minimize its size

    Assalaamu alaikum, There's a big problem I've been suffering for years now. I have alopecia due to wearing tight haurstyles and my hairline has receded and I'm losing hair at the front of my head. I am only 18 so this makes it even more upsetting for me because I'm worried how much more hair can I lose over the years? As a result I have huge self.. More

  • Wants plastic surgery to remove a bump on her nose

    Asalamu Alykum,my question is regard cosmetic surgery. Alhamduallah, I like the way i look, and I do not wish to make myself look better. However, while looking at my side profile my nose makes me look like I look mad. I know this is hard to imagine, but I have a big bumb or as they call it a bridge. I keep getting asked why R u mad? Why r u giving.. More

  • Ruling on vaginal reconstruction/tightening surgery

    Is vaginal reconstruction/tightening surgery halal for me after two natural child births have been unkind to my body? What if the only doctor available is a male? Will I be punished for the money I spend on this cause? It seems like a luxury and I dont want to be gluttonous on myself. My intention is solely the satisfaction of my husband, and worry.. More

  • Fixing the jaws and removing a mole or acne from the face

    I'm sorry i forgot to include this in my original email. But i just wanted to also say that while reading some of the other replies, i noticed the answers were often somewhat contradictory. I do not mean to be insulting but i just wanted more clarification. Another person asked if it is ok to fix their jaw and make it normal. They also asked.. More

  • How to decide if a cosmetic surgery is permissible

    Hi i just had a question regarding cosmetic surgery and if it is allowed in Islam. I was reading some of the other replies given based on it and i am still unclear. I want to get a nose job, because my nose is unusually large. In my opinion i definitely consider it a defect. Based on the definitions given it is not clear what is a defect and.. More

  • Removing fat from the stomach and transforming it to another area of the body

    Assalamualykum. Is it permissiable for a women to have some excessive fat removed from one area of her body such as the stomach and have this fat transfered to another area of her body such as the buttocks area (bottom) to make it more fuller especially if it is small or flat? Also, can a person have liposuction on their face to remove excessive fat.. More

  • Needs cosmetic surgery to fix her scarred and stretched skin due to medical treatment

    Assalamualaykum, I have been suffering from kidney problems since the age of 2. I had to take a lot medications with severe side effects. One of these medications was Steroids (Cortizone). Taking the Steroids has made me gain so much weight over the years around my face and all over my body. Finally, my kidneys failed completly and I was close to.. More

  • A wife undergoing plastic surgery

    having plastic chirurgie for at my husband don t leave me, is that haram ... More

  • Facelift surgery

    assalam o alaikumi would like to ask if plastic surgery just for a face-lift without changing features like nose etc,just pulling the skin to look younger is it haramthank youassalam alikum.. More

  • Using Botox to remove wrinkles of the face

    What is Hukm Shareeah in the Botox is it Haraam or Halaal? .. More

  • Liposuction surgery

    Can we do a liposuction?.. More