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My doctor gave me a choice, that I either want to medically allow the doctors to operate on my nose to enhance the function, the shape of my nose or both. I would mainly require the enhancement of the function of my nose as for 8 years it has been blocked and broken. Since the doctor would also operate on the shape of my nose, which I personally.. More
Treatment for increasing height for teenage girls. .. More
I have a question about a medical fact. One of my friends has cancer in her breast and now she had an operation where they cut most of her breast away! So she has just one breast left. But she was going to marry and her groom wants her to take a breast surgery. Now my question is if its allowed in Islam to take such a surgery and if its maybe.. More
I am small framed with large breasts, since I had a baby my chest got bigger, resulting in excess skin and sagging. I feel that people stare at my chest before and after the pregnancy. Is it ok to have a lift to reduce the size and to keep people from not looking, even though I wear very loose clothing? .. More
In English class we read articles about "face transplants" and I wanted to know the Islamic in depth perspective of such operations, so that I can provide proper feedback to my class mates based on a solid foundation. Please reply as soon as possible - before my next English class! .. More
I broke off the bottom corner of my front tooth while eating. Is it Haraam to have my front teeth filed down for cosmetic purposes so that my teeth are even looking, or is it only acceptable to "glue" on a piece of fake tooth to repair the damage?.. More
I have a small penis (04 cm) and I have 25 years the question is: if it must to be making the surgical operation for to beenlargeor not... More
28 years male having problem of enlarged breast called ganomacitcia, surgery to remove is the best solution. Is it allowed Islamicly to have the surgery performed? .. More
I have a question concerning the beauty of women. Is it permissible for women to have plastic surgery for beauty? A friend's daughter has normal ears but for beauty she wants to have surgery of the ears to make them more beautiful. She wants to know if it is permissible because in Canada it is kind of free for the kids, and she wants to take.. More
I am a Doctor planning to open a clinic with the following services. Each service Halal or not:
1) Hair transplant for bald people.
2) Hair removal for men and women.
3) Wrinkles removed from faces by injections?
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Ihas very small breasts and have been married for 6 years. Is it allowed in Islam tohave enlargement surgery to please one's husband?.. More
I have a hump on my nose since my adolescence. And a few months ago, I have broken my nose in an accident, and this has accentuated this hump. Do you think that it would be Haram or Halal if I had a surgical operation to remove it, since it disturbs me and I think of it everyday!.. More
I want to know what Shariah says in using medicament that can give volume to the breast of the women, especially if a women has a small one and suffer because of it in front of their family (sister and cousins) and for her future with her potential husband? The doctors say that it helps without any problem... More
I am a general surgeon in a Muslim country. I am a Muslim and I would like to study plastic surgery. What is the opinion of our religion in studying and working in such a field? .. More
Is wearing braces treatment to straighten your teeth allowed in Islam?.. More
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