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Aslamu alaykum,I am ashamed to have aborted my child and I will regret it till this day as i m not married and the kid would not have been healthy.. But I was just wondering if I am meant to have a funeral for my baby it was 21 weeks old and they removed it bit by bit from my womb... I have let the hospital know to keep the remain s. Don't know what.. More
As salaam alaikum, Iam pregnant with my 7th child. My husband does not want, the baby and he is making me get an abortion. I fear Allah and wish to keep my child. I have been mentally and psychically and financially abuse by my husband throughout my marriage. I have no money, no family and no other home or means to live without him. Each day he becomes.. More
Is a Muslim woman allowed to use Emergency Contraception (EC) if was forced to have intercourse (rape) with mysterious man
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I got pregnant with the father of the Child before marriage, when we found out we rushed to get married.
The families were very against it and I have a violent ex-husband.
his family will not accept me and at my most vulnerable time, right after I was subjected to violence by my ex.
The father of the child moved away from me and back.. More
Asalam O alaikum. sir My question is i have 5 daughters and i dont any more childern. but my wife is again pregnant. even she has medical issue also. its only one week we just come to know. so if i want her to abort the pregnancy. what the Quran say. will it be a murder ? . please answer in detail. jazak Allah khair. My wife is saying it will be murder.. More
Salam alaekum warahmotullahi, what is best way in Islam for the couples to protect their self from un-expected pregnancy"
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Can you abort a baby that has down syndrome, since it's a genetic chromosome disorder that can't be cured? usually you can know if a baby have down syndrome between 9 to 12 weeks during pregnancy.
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Assalamu alaikum, Please what is the Islamic injunction regarding a man who married a pregnant woman, and the pregnancy was not his, and unknown to him. After a while, she aborted the pregnancy still without his knowledge, and pretended that she had miscarriage. After having a baby with the husband, and the baby was almost six years, she could not hold.. More
I am a nurse, and I look after patients in hospitals. This includes patients who terminate their pregnancy. I am not involved in giving any medication to trigger the abortions, but I do check their blood pressure, fill forms, give them painkillers, and discharge them. I just want to know whether this is haram.
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Assalaamu alaykum, Shaykh. If present pregnancy or further pregnancies increase and worsen sickness and even threaten a woman's life, and that is confirmed by doctors, but the husband does not give his consent for abortion or permanent contraception, should the wife continue to obey him in that even when she is severely sick or harmed or may die? Is.. More
I made the premature and ignorant decision to have an abortion. I am so disgusted with myself that I cannot even stomach food. Both my husband and myself made the stupid decision. The fetus was aborted around 40-45 days. I took a medication that killed the fetus before it came out. Then a few days later I took a different medication that passed the.. More
Is it allowed to abort a pregnancy if it is detected that the genotype of the baby is SS (Sickle cell baby) inorder to prevent the pains the baby will encounter if later delivered to the world and what is the maximum month the abortion can be carried out.
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My sister age 34 years has five children and four out of them are scissorien by operation. At the time of fourth delivery no doctor was taking her case due to high risk of her life and finally told that she should not pregnant again it will very dangerous for her. Now she got pregnant again just of few days and not feeling well even feel pain in stomach... More
Assalam o alaikum wa rahmatullah e wa barakatoho, Respected Sheikh and our brother in Islam, my question refers to "abortion" : I m a mother (27 years old) blessed alhamdolillah with 5 children ( youngest 10 months and oldest 7) has been married for eight years now. With mercy of Allah swt I m grown up in a religious family and married to a religious.. More
A Muslim woman died and she had aborted a child for she did not like to have more children, May Allaah Forgive her. Is there any expiation for her to be made by her children on her behalf, given that during her lifetime, she had the intention to make expiation, but was ignorant of how to do it?
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