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Is it permissible to open a coffee shop project for smoking the hookah, or at least to rent one of my shops to be opened for the same purpose?.. More
I am a translator. there is a mission that require from my team to translate manuals about "Cigarette making machinery", into Arabic language. Many translators refused this job because it is HARAM. what shall i do ? refuse the mission or accept it. thanks in advance .. More
Dear Scholar whats the ruling on chewing niswar and pan ?
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These days we see there is a growing tend of shisha smoking and shisha cafes opening everywhere.......I would like to know whether shisha smoking is haram or not and what are the effects of it.
Jazakallahkhair!.. More
I know muslims who smoke and I believe it is a sin, does this action carry the same penlty as drinking of the 40 days of your prayers not be heard? thank you.. More
I work for a company which gives me two cigar packs every month. Since I don't smoke, I would sell these packs to non-Muslim shops. Is this money Haraam or Halaal to me? If Haraam, can I distribute this money to poor without expecting any Sawaab? .. More
I am a recent convert/revert to Islam, I had left my non Muslim husband for Islam and I'm trying to correct all mistakes I made in life, I have one bad habit I am trying to rid myself of and that's smoking are there any Du'aa for this affliction? I have smoked since I was 13 and am now 30 so it is very hard. .. More
This question is in reference to Fatwa number 83261: 'Smoking is Haram.' Well, there are soft drinks too which have been proven to be harmful to health, like Coke, Pepsi, etc. Are such drinks also Haram? If smoking is Haram, how is it permitted in a stronghold Islamic country like Saudi Arabia? .. More
I print stickers for companies with their brand name on the sticker and sell it to the companies for them to market their products. Is it permissible for me to print labels for cigarette companies so they can give their products as gifts?.. More
I personally dislike living in Non-Islamic country and want know if its harm to live in Non-Islamic country. Can you all please provide me some Quran verses and authentic hadith in all your answers? Can you please also include some advantages and disadvantages of living in Non-Islamic country? I also want to know if something is not stated in the.. More
I know that cigarette smoking is haraam in Islam, but why is it so? Please give all the reasons from Qur'an and sunnah... More
Is smoking Haraam? Some people say smoking is makrooh, but I believe it is haraam, since it causes harm and damage to the body just like illegal drugs. I heard that smoking was declared haraam, but many people continue to believe it is makrooh.
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