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I am undergoing treatment for some hormonal imbalances. Due to the treatment I have some hair growing on my hands. Is it permissible for me to remove this hair? Kindly advise in light of Hadith and Sunnah... More
What is the Islamic view on insanity like schizophrenia, depression, etc? In this modern world these psychiatric diseases have become very common... More
Are we using viagra permitted in Islam?.. More
What is the position of Shariah in respect of using DNA fingerprinting in criminal cases in Shariah courts?.. More
I am from Malaysia. Here, there are lots of advertisements even by Muslims that offer "traditional massage". Among the claimed benefits of these massages are:
1) To overcome the problems of inability to erect (impotence).
2) For enlargement of the penis, etc.
The process involve the "massager-other people" to massage our private parts to ease the.. More
I am expecting to have my first child soon, in about 6 months. I would like to know, if its ok for me to know whether my baby is a boy or girl?.. More
Is it Haram for a female to have tongue piercing?.. More
One of my close friends has recently told me that he thinks he is "transgendered." A counselor he is seeing told him that this disorder is not unusual and that he should consider sex-change surgery. Please help me as I have no idea what Islam says about sex change. Can you also suggest some further readings on this subject? Is it possible that Allah.. More
Cana womanuse another woman's ovum so that she becomes pregnant and then give birth to a child?.. More
My question is about 2 things:1) A situation in which twins are born, but attached together. One baby's heart is not pumping, but the second baby's heart is pumping for both. It wouldn't be advised by doctors to leave them together because the second child's heart will weaken and die. So my question is what would be the best thing to do.2) About abortion,.. More
What is the ruling concerning artificial virginity?
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I want to ask question about perception of Islam towards Aids. Is it a punishment from God to those who choose the wrong way and do not practice Islam as the way of life? I have read some sort like Hadith that there is antidote for every illness except death and old age. What about Aids? Can it be cured?
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What is the Islamic ruling of a person who was born with male hormones (normal male levels of testosterone) but has female genitalia? He/she looks like female but is actually a male inside. The female parts are not working as a female part should but feels what a man feels.Is he/she considered a male or a female Islamiclly? All laws that govern that.. More
Are the colored contact lens allowed in Islam, noting that there is no medical reason for wearing them? In other words, I can wear normal glasses. thank you.. More
Is the use of coloured lenses allowed if proper Hijab is being observed?.. More
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