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Assalamu Alaiykum,I was extremely disappointed with your answer regarding your stance on abusive parents who mistreats me a lot. It is taking a tremendous toll on my mental health that I feel suicidal. I have lost my hope in Islam and Allah completely. I knew Allah will always favour parents no matter how much abusive they are, and it sounds akin to.. More
Assalamualaikum I have a skin problem(on limbs, face) due to which i have to apply creams (which contain alcohol) as a medicine. Is it ok to apply the creams and pray? And also after using the creams do i have to change the clothes to pray or can i pray in the same clothes?JazakALLAH khair
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I am a 18 year old girl from Turkey, and here in my country there is no segragation in universities. My country is not ruled by Sharia and everything includes free mixing. Is it halal for me to attend a mixed medical school for being a child doctor (pediatrician) or an gynecologist? My family wants me to attend university physically so this is the solution.. More
Assalam O Alaikum I have following questions relating to old aged parents. Your response InshaAllah will guide to right path:1. My mother is very old and weak she is diabetic also. She don’t have control over eating, can I say to her don’t eat too much? I know saying that it will hurt her feelings 2. If my mother is doing something wrong, can I.. More
healthSalam Alaikum,I have been dealing with skin conditions suck as eczema and now it further went to having varicose veins eczema. I didnt accept my doctors advice to be referred to personal trainers who are majority male to help me with my condition if left untreated can cause me complications . I wanted to ask if I am permitted to get help from.. More
Assalamu Allaikum according to science people can still grow some inches after puberty doing natural exercises and taking good nutrition so can i do it or is it altering the creation of ALLAH SWT im a girl with the height around 4 feet 10 inch tall plz reply im confused about the hadith talking about plucking eyebrows and making gaps between teeth,.. More
I used to wear braces (on my teeth) a long time ago before I was religious. Now I have a retainer which is worn in order to prevent the teeth from moving back to their original position. I do not know whether or not the braces were for a legitimate reason or for cosmetic purposes. The doctors told me that I had an overbite, but I still don't know whether.. More
Salam aleikum wa rahmatu Llahi wa barakatu.
In a lot of medicine there are doubtful ingredients which we not know if they are halal or halal, such as gelatine, magnesium stearate,ecc... It is very difficult to know if it is animal or vegetable origin. Is it halal to take it?
We often found them in Muslim countries and sometimes find only ,for some.. More
Salam, im a male 42, i live away from my wife in another country because of my work, i have been facing issues with erection and premature ejaculation, i have read about massaging penis and scortum with blackseed oil, to improve bloodflow to imrprove the erection quality, but never ejaculate as i tried to delay it qnd stop the massage without ejaculation.. More
Salam alaekum warahmotullahi, what is best way in Islam for the couples to protect their self from un-expected pregnancy"
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A psychiatrist uses hypnosis. Can a mentally ill person go to this psychiatrist for treatment under the condition that the mentally ill person would refuse the treatment by hypnosis when suggested by the psychiatrist?
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Assalam alykum warahmatullahi wabarakatu.Under the uk law Dr's must have professional insurance/indemnity against liabilities that might be incurred in practising medicine if you are going to work for private hospitals as its a must to have indemnity in order to work: but if you opt to work through NHS trusts only then insurance/indemnity is provided.. More
Assalaamu'alaikum,Please don't refer me to any other fatwas as I have read many fatwas over and over again regarding my issue.I want an answer specific to my question.I request you to reply me soon as I am suffering from extreme hardship regarding prayers.I suffer from wind my problem is I don't understand as to whether I am eligible.. More
I am nurse and I been working at Hospital over a year now. I work dialysis unit. Most patient get heparin to prevent from clotting their blood while they are on the dialysis machine. heparin derived from pork. is it halal to administer heparin as a nurse? Thank you so muchYusuf
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. Praise be to Allaah, I am a dental hygienist who left the practice, but I have questions regarding that job in case I wish to return to it in future.So I want to know if it is correct for a Muslim or not. In dental clinics, there are products which contain alcohol, like disinfectants (used to.. More
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