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Are single, Muslim ladies allowed to enter Islamic matrimonial sites to find a suitable hubsand?
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As Salaam Alaikum, my husband is looking for a 2nd wife. I know this is his right as per the sunnah. He is using matrimonial sites that have pictures of women, and allow for chatting and exchanging info between men and women with out her wakil being involved. I believe him when he says he doesnt chat with the sisters, but I dont like that he feels.. More
assalaamu alykum Im a male teenager muslim and I pray all my prayers mostly in the masjid unless I have to go somewhere I try to learn about Islam and go to a maktaba to read Islamic books and I were khamis but my weakness is women. I would like to know if it is premissible to go on muslim websites to look for a wife. and do you have to have the girls.. More
Is it permissible for two people, a man and a woman who are thinking to marry, to get to know each other through e-mail before committing to one another? .. More
I got a question regarding the matrimonial sites designed for people to search for wife or husband. Inside this site there are chat room created where men and women talk. I myself including chatting of girls try to find if I can get some one I can marry. By fortune one of the brother advice me and told me this is all Haraam because there is.. More
I am a divorced woman in her middle fifties. I would like to remarry. I have joined a website where Muslims meet each for the purpose of getting married. Is it Haram to chat with a man on-line? Is it proper if I meet him to see each other and discuss future marriage? What is the correct way of doing things? Do you think after chatting with him for a.. More
I met a person by Internet who wants to marry me. He has been living in US and has committed fornication. I have committed sin by thinking about sex; although I try hard I sin in my mind. It is for the reason that I want to get married soon. I do not talk to him about sex, its nothing of the sort. It is said in Qur'an that "for the adulter is the adulteress"... More
Whats your opinion of a married Muslim man who decides to take a second wife whom he met through Internet and she is agreed to accept Islam and live with him without causing any harm to his first wife?
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I met a girl through the internet and we decided that we want to get married. She will take shahada the day we get married (next month). I need you to tell me what should I do to keep a lawful marriage with my future wife, inshallah. I'm in the U.S and my parents are not here with me. Would it be ok if I just have their agreement over the phone. Also,.. More
Is it permissible for a man to send e-mails or chat with a woman whom she wants to take in marriage?
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Can a man and a woman talk in private on the Internet to get to know each other for the sake of marriage? Is it the same as Khalwah?
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Is using Islamic marriage sites to find a husband, Halal?.. More
I am a 35-year-old divorced Muslim. I live alone in the United States. I found a sister on the Net, who is an American convert to Islam. She has no family and she lives alone. I am interested in marrying her and I have a strong intention to do that. My question is I would like to continue talking with her on the phone to know what she thinks about as.. More
Can I enter in contact with a Muslim girl by internet for legal marriage? You help me for this... More
You can search for fatwa through many choices