Selected Fatwa

Is beatboxing allowed when done with nasheed or using it as a background sound for da'wah video's or similar?
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Salam Alaikom
Is learning and using artificial intelligence haram ? some part of it try to simulate how a human brain works like artificial neural networks to learn over time and became more efficient at a certain programmed task. May Allah reward you.
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salaam alaikum, dear brother/sister (who ever reads this) in islam may allah's blessings be with you. I am an electronics and communication engineer working in kuwait with a stable job from 7 am to 3 pm. HOWEVER the job that i am pursuing is not the one that i am interested in. I would like to be an Air traffic controller and the timings for this job.. More
Asalam alikum wr wb Sheikh, my queston is that i was working in saudi till last year.i came back and decided to stay with my parents as i am only son of my parents and my sister got married.i tried to bring my parents to saudi but there passport is not yet ready bcoz in kashmir it takes years may be 2 to 3 i am searching job in kashmir and.. More
Slm, I have certain questions. I have been in a relation with a muslim girl for 5 years. I am single muslim guy. We both are 23 years old. Through this relation we came very close and have comitted zina. I told my parents that i like her and want to marry her but they refused to accept as the girl is not from our community. So my questions are: 1) Is.. More
Assalamu alaikum I have a quick question I work for this company that outsources Google and my job is to make sure there social network pages are according to there policy. now from time to time randomly a pornographic image pops and my job is to delete it of Google pages to avoid others to see. I work in the Arabic department so it mostly muslims subhanAllah.. More
one govt teacher wants to put a private person to do his duty.he is giving him some part of his is right or wrong
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My child goes to secondary school in London(UK) and as part of the GCSE subjects, it has been mandatory that RE lesson (Christianity) is taught. This means that the child is reading and learning text books which contain verses from the bible. I don't want my child to learn this, but the school said it is mandatory. I don't know what to do. I now want.. More
If i recite mistakenly Sura Fathiha instead of Aththahiyath or If I recite mistakenly Aththahiyath instead of Sura Fathiha, what should I do? In this situation do I have to do "Sajadha Shah" or Do I have to repeat my prayer again? And if this situation happened when I do Imamadh what I have to do?
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Assalamu 'Alaykum. in this hadith it appears to me that it is enough to wash the arm (in wudu) with 1 handful of water; "He then, took another handful (of water) and did like this (gesturing) joining both hands, and washed his face, took another handful of water and washed his right forearm. He again took another handful of water and washed his left.. More
assalamulikum. i marry to swedish women. she accept islam 17 years. now she became murtad. we have 4 kids. she has lot of respect for me and my religion. she practice islam 17 years. she accept i tich my kids islam. she do not make any problem my religion matter. but she can not belive any religion. she do not drink alcohol. she do not eat pig meat... More
Assalamualaikum wa rahmnatullahi wabarkatahu sheikh...... What is the ruling on drinking non alcoholic drinks like barbican and other such drinkswhich are sold in saudi arabia and other muslim countries...... .. More
As selamu aleykum. In our Islamic history, before muslim armies would attack a foreign land they would give them the options of accepting Islam, paying Jizyah or the sword.These three options were only given to the leadership of the nations and not the masses.Hence, many of the people did not hear the call to Islam and the acceptance or rejection of.. More
Assalam Alaikum Respectable Sheikh, My husband does not want me to increase my Islamic knowledge.. Other days when he does a evil deed, like listening to music & when I dislike it first thing he does is hide my computer , because, online 96% I use it for learning quranic arabic, listening to Mufti Menk, Ask huda programme.. My husband does not pray.. More
Assalamu Alaikum, Is it permissible to shout slogans like "Allahu Akbar" during protests and meetings. Some ahadith disallow reciting Dhikr or Allah's name loudly. Please clarify. regards,
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