Selected Fatwa

some part of the iddgah(where idul fitre performed) has unauthorised(govt. land and permissions had not taken to make permanent boundary or made avaible for prayer).in this situation can we perform the wajib salah idul fitre and iduzzuha.give the details in the light of hadith and quran.
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Assalamu-alikum, married, has 2 kids, my husband accused me of I am willing to harm him by putting some kind of shyton deeds, such as poison him with shyton deeds. I never done any of these things he accused me with and never willing to do, because it is shrike. I love my Allah more than him and I love my Hakira (here after,) may Allah grated me with.. More
assalamu alaikum. Is it ok to hire non-muslim teacher for elementary Islamic school. This teacher is allowed to Math,English, Social Studies, Science only. We could not find muslim teacher. Please have your opinion. Jazakum Allahu Khair.
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Assalaamu alaikum, I' am 25 years old and happily married to a Student of Knowledge, Haafidh al Quran - all praise is due to Allah! Everything I learned in the last 6 years of my marriage is after Allaahs will, due my husbands help. I could never imagine to live without him. For me I give lectures in the mosques in Quraan, Fiqh, Aqidah. Sisters.. More
By Allah I did a great wrong by not telling my husband my true age that i am a year older than him before we got married 22 years ago. We now have a daughter.My husband is the kindest and most religious husband. He tries very hard to emulate the Sunnah and follow the Quran and i know at this point age would not be a problem in our marriage but the.. More
assalamwalaikum, i made dua that if my wish will be fulfilled i will keep fasting. I heard that we should keep two roza instead of one roza for any wish. If it is true please let me know on which day of week i should keep roza.
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hi I am 33 years old and have been married for just over 2 years. I have been arguing with my wife since even when we were not married. but for some reason my heart chose her. I did numerous Istıkharas and it ended up like this. recently we have been having arguments again and she even told me that if I want we can get divorced. saying this I.. More
Asalamu alaykum, we live in a none Muslim land and there are some Muslims who I have no personal relationship with (can’t advise them). They setup a company to do some work for the government and the company subcontracts a group of people mainly Muslims to perform the job. The company and a lot of these subcontractors have an agreement where they.. More
Assalaamu alaikum, When I was hired last year within a few days I signed a 2 year contract. The contract agreed to certain days of pay, a certain salary, etc etc The employer made "a mistake" and wanted to change the contracts of all employees. Because i signed my contract earlier than the other employees the clauses the employer wanted to change.. More
Salam alaikum wa rahmatAllah wa barakatuhu, there is a hadith which says, that one should follow the leader even when the leader flogs on back and takes away the property. I had read that is the way at all times, but now I came accross a statement of scholars and Da'ees that this only applies when this (the flogging etc.) happens to individuals and.. More
Asalamu-Alaikum, I live in Australia and there are many Muslims here that are cheating the welfare system. They do not disclose their earnings and they continue to receive welfare payments and benefits. They also state that they are divorced to earn single parent payments, whilst they are actually married. My question is this, can I inform the tax.. More
I'm a 29-year-old male with a severe chronic psychological condition that prevents me from bonding with people. In 29 years I haven't even been able to make male friends, let alone getting married. Because of my inability to bond with others, I honestly don't think I'll ever get married, even though I have a strong desire to do so. This has negative.. More
Dear Saikh, Assalamu Alikum. There is an academic subject in Dhaka University, Bangladesh where many religions are being taught as non-bias way. But Islam is taught as other religions. There is no special emphasis about Islam. My question is that Can a Muslim study other religions as an academic discipline?.. More
As salamu aleikum, I expect, inshallah, to receive my share of my non-Muslim father's inheritance soon, according to his will. Part of this inheritance will be interest, which I, of course, will refuse. The interest will go to my non-Muslim cousin because he is in charge of everything. He has said that he is willing to give me a gift out of this sum.. More
CAN YOU PLEASE GIVE UP FATWA ON THE BELOW MENTIONED ISSUE: DOOR: NO: 15-60/2, MOSQUE STREET, BOBBILI-535558, VIZIYANAGARAM DIST, ANDHRA PRADESH, INDIA CELL : 9030097103/9642969896 E-Mail: As salamwalakum, SUB: We can use the rent of shop belonging to Mosque which is going to construct by a Non-Muslim for the Mosque I hereby.. More
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