What are the reasons behind religious inactivity and how can we cure it?
All perfect praise be to Allaah, the Lord of the worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is His Slave and Messenger.
Inactivity in this context means a dwindling commitment to one's religion after periods of active practice. The main reasons behind it are:
1- Going to extremes in one's religious practices, as this leads to inactivity. It was because of this that the Prophet warned against going to extremes in performing acts of worship, because this is what has led to the destruction of previous nations. [An-Nasaa’ee and Ibn Maajah]
Aa'ishah narrated on the authority of the Prophet
that he ordered Muslims to get closer to Allaah by practising acts of worship within their capacity and without exerting extreme efforts, for Allaah the Almighty will not stop granting reward until one stops practising. [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
The Prophet also said that the most pleasing act of worship to Allaah is the one which a person observes constantly.
2- Overindulging in permissible pleasures, like eating, which leads to obesity, overwhelming desires, and being too lazy to observe acts of worship. Allaah the Almighty Says (what means): {And eat and drink, but be not excessive. Indeed, He likes not those who commit excess.}[Quran 7:31]
The Prophet was reported to have said that one's stomach is the evilest vessel that could be filled. [At-Tirmithi] ’Umar ibn Al-Khattaab
also warned against excessive eating and drinking because it afflicts man with diseases and makes a person too lazy to observe prayers.
3- Forsaking righteous friends is also another reason. ‘Ali ibn ’Abi Taalib mentioned that socializing with a group - even if there are some adverse effects - is better than leading a solitary life. According to Imaam Ibn Al-Mubaarak
were it not for social life, the powerful would eradicate the weak.
4- Little reflection on death and the Hereafter is another reason, because paying full attention to worldly affairs will, necessarily, supersede all else. Therefore the Prophet would urge Muslims to remember the Hereafter and to visit graves often. ‘Abd Allaah ibn Mas‘ood
narrated that the Prophet
said that the remembrance of death is one of the means of showing humility before Allaah; and that whoever seeks the Hereafter will abstain from worldly pleasures. [At-Tirmithi]
5- Neglecting some of the daily acts of worship or committing prohibited acts will eventually lead to laziness in worship. The Prophet was reported to have said that the Satan ties three knots on one's head at bed time. If a person wakes up and remembers Allaah one knot will be undone. If he performs ablution the second knot will be undone. If he begins to perform (the Fajr (dawn)) prayer the third knot will be undone. That person will then be active for the entire day, otherwise he will be lethargic.
6- Making prohibited earnings.
7- Committing sins.
To cure religious inactivity, do the following:
1- Abandoning sins, both major and minor;
2- Observing the religious practices related to the day and night, including the performance of prayers, mentioning Allah (Thikr), and other acts of worship;
3- Using times of convenience. The Prophet ordered Muslims to adopt a balanced method in performing acts of worship while avoiding extreme practices. If perfection is inaccessible, the least one can do is to be near perfection. The Prophet
also assured us of great rewards for constant good deeds. He advised us to seek help with this by performing them when we feel vigorous, which is likely to push us towards perfection. [Al-Bukhari]
4- Spending time with righteous people.
5- Contemplating the wisdom of Allaah in the universe and that Allaah tests His righteous servants so as to verify their commitment, patience and degree of faith, in order to elevate their degree.
6- Recognizing Satan's crafty plans for misleading the servants of Allaah.
7- Refreshing one’s self by enjoying permissible pleasures so that he would not get apathetic and consequently indolent.
8- Reading books on the life of the Prophet his kin, and Companions, and learning how early Muslims would practise acts of worship.
9- Remembering death and the consequent incidents, including the two angels' interrogation in the grave, the darkness of the grave, the Scale, the Siraat (bridge over Hell), Paradise and Hell. Reflecting on these matters focuses a person’s attention on the hereafter.
10- Acquiring knowledge about religious matters.
11- Accounting oneself regularly.
And Allaah Knows best.
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