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A Muslim woman, who abides by Islamic teachings, claimed that her companion strangled her baby in her womb. How correct is this claim?.. More
The devil prevents me from doing anything good and is always driving me towards obscenity. What should I do?.. More
Does the human being have an independent or dual nature? How can we understand the relation between humans and the accursed Satan?.. More
Did ‘Umar ibn Al-Khattaab, may Allaah be pleased with him, see the Devil? Why did not he strangle him?.. More
Assalamu alaykum!pls what is the language of the jinn?.. More
I know that the devil can only influence man through whisperings, but is it possible for a Jinn to appear to a person in a form that may harm him? I feel that the devil whispers to me and tries to frighten me of the possibility of seeing a Jinn. What should I do?.. More
Assalamu alaikum sheikh, thanks very much for answering my priviuos questions,Alhamdulillah, today my question is ,if someone bought a plot of land,if he plans to build a house over there ,can he burrie in the corner of land a protection to avoid harming black magic?or under the foundation ?the protection could be water mixid with zam zam water.. More
Is it permissible to accept a Jinn’s gift?.. More
How should we seek refuge with Allaah for our children?.. More
I have heard that when man expresses his fears and thoughts, the devil will use them against him. Is this correct?
I have also heard that the devil cannot know what man's heart conceals. Is this also correct?
Please advise... More
Why did Allaah The Almighty create evil? Why did He create the devil? Are there clear answers to these questions in the Quran and the Sunnah (Prophetic tradition)?.. More
What is the Sharee‘ah (Islamic law) ruling on those who claim to employ Jinn?.. More
Is it true that every person has a companion from the Jinn or devils? Do they have any connection with miscarriage? .. More
When I raise my hands to supplicate Allaah The Almighty, I feel as if there are two huge hands beneath them to the extent that I lose sensation in my hands or I feel as if I can hardly see them. Furthermore, I feel that my lips and body contract. This feeling is more intense when I supplicate after performing the obligatory prayer or the voluntary.. More
Is it permissible to speak to the Jinn who possesses a person and order him to raise the hand of the possessed? Is Ruqyah permissible for a mute person? Is it permissible to strike the Jinn if he refuses to let go of the possessed person? Is it permissible for a woman to have Ruqyah performed for her by a non-Mahram (i.e., marriageable) man?.. More
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