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How can I stay safe from any kind of harm from the jinn and shaitan. If my house is possessed by jin, how can I get permanent protection. Do I have to read surah baqarah daily?.. More
Assalamu alaikum sheikh1) what is evil touch by jinn and what it's cause, symptoms and cure and ruqya for it
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This is a very important creedal question, regarding the hadith in Musnad Imam Ahmed classed hasan by Ibn Hajar and Albani “from Harith bin Hassan al - Bakri may Allah be pleased with him , he said : I went out and Alaa Ibn Hadrami to the Messenger of Allah , may Allah bless him and his family and him .. talk in which I said : I seek refuge in Allah.. More
Assalamualikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. There at times I get very short video clips when I close my eyes and take rest. Is this because of the jinn?
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Assalamualikum, Is it possible for the jinn to cause Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) ? Also is exorcism(ruqyah) a 100 percent method of detecting jinn pocession?
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A’alaykum. I have a typical question but it is unbelievable. Sorry for these kind of question. My Elder Son (name-Mohammed Abdur Rasheed) is 25 years old. My Son is not growing up, not good in studies and he was getting sick day by day. As advised my somebody, we have visited one place to show my Son. ‘Hazat’ has described the events as follows,1).. More
Asalamo AlaikumWhen someone gets scared of jinns and goes to hide in the room of one's father or so,Is he committing shirk by taking his father as a protector besides ALLAH?
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Hello. Did all of Allah's Prophets have a devil with them all the time? Is it correct to say that if some person does not have a devil with them that they are free from sins? Thank you very much, kind Sir.
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Assalaamu alaykum. Is it superstitious to think that jinn might follow whatever impurity has attached to the shoes and that carrying it into the house might bring them into the house as well? Is there any ruling that says that it is better to leave shoes outside of the house? I look forward to your response, and may Allah reward you.
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Assalaamu alaykum. A person who treats magic told a relative of mine that he has been possessed by a jinn. So he gave my relative some water for Ruqyah (healing through Quranic recitation and supplication). He also gave some clothed sticks and told my relative to burn them and inhale the smoke. Is this type of treatment ok? I mean: inhaling smoke? It.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. Can we seek refuge with Allah from the accursed devil with the intention of obtaining protection against both the jinni and human devils? Are human devils also accursed? May Allah reward you, Shaykh.
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What is the ruling on loving the devil? One may not love him because of his disbelief, but he may like him because if one fornicates, he will naturally have some liking to him as this is one of his characteristics.
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Do the jinn expose your sins if they speak in you? Shaykh, please respond to this as fast as possible, as it is an emergency, may Allah reward you. Only Allah knows my mental anguish, and I need to know this.
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Assalaamu alaykum, dear Muslim Brothers. We all know that the Muslims form one nation, one Ummah (community), and one body, both the jinn and the humans... As the disbelievers cooperate, so have the Muslims cooperated for centuries, and that is a fact. There is a guy in Turkey who asserts and claims that he speaks to all tribes, kinds, religions, etc... More
Assalaamu alaykum. I hope you are fine by the grace of Allaah. My question is: does jinn possession take place if we have minor impurity (urine, stool, Madhi [pre-ejaculate]) on our body or clothes? If we do not avoide it, will the jinn possess us? May Allaah reward you.
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