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Is it possible to photograph a jinni? It is said that a young man took a photo of a jinni in a cave but then died. .. More
Is there a way to secure a fetus from the Jinn? .. More
I read a book written by Kenneth Ringwhere he talked about people who claimed to have died and seen Paradise or Hell through a near-death experience. What is the opinion of Islam on this? Have you read this book?.. More
Does incense, particularly Jawi and Fasookh, invite Jinn?.. More
Is magic by using a Jinn correct, meaning doing magic to a person and making use of a Jinni by making the person possessed by him as a means of magic? Can magic spell be undone if the Jinni leaves the body of the possessed person?.. More
What were the Jinn created from?.. More
What should I do in order to drive the Jinn out of the house? .. More
Are Satan's whisperings limited to religious aspects or do they include the affairs of everyday life, such as doubting the locking of the door, for example? .. More
My mother died and when I am alone I see her before me, as if she is with me, and she informs me of incidents that take place afterwards. Given the fact that the spirit ascends to its Creator (Allaah), how do you explain what is happening? What are the actions that I may benefit my parents with?.. More
What is the extent that Satan has reached in the various branches of knowledge? Is there any mention of this in the Sunnah?.. More
Is it true that a jinni can speak in the tongue of the possessed?.. More
What is the ruling regarding a person who has thoughts of disbelief but never utters them or believes in them?.. More
Some Christians and also some Muslims claim that Maryam (Virgin Mary) appears before them as a body of light to bless them, heal their patients and endow them with goodness. What is the interpretation of this? .. More
It is permissible to curse devils, like addressing saying "May Allaah curse your Satan"?.. More
In terms of Creed, what is the agreed upon essential nature of Satan?.. More
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