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I am a young man who is eager to practice Da‘wah and serve Muslims. What should I do?.. More
What is the meaning of Electronic Jihaad and how can it be done? Is it sufficient to use it only under the current circumstances? .. More
I live with non-Muslims (Christians). I sit with them and talk to them about Islam. It is their habit to drink wine while eating. Should I sit and eat with them so as to tell them about Islam? Or what should I do? Please advise me. May Allaah reward you well... More
Some of my relatives living with me commit many wrong deeds. I cannot rebuke them for every single wrongdoing because they make so many mistakes. What should I do, especially that I am always with them?.. More
I know someone who lies a lot. Should I rebuke him or keep silent?.. More
My elder brother does not pray and I want to do something about that. May I tell a lie and tell him that I had a bad dream about him just to frighten him and encourage him to pray? Please advise me... More
What is the ruling on traveling abroad to spread Islam?.. More
Is it permissible to lie in order to guide someone to the right path? For instance, can I claim to have seen this person being punished in a dream?.. More
What are the qualifications required in the female Daa‘iyah (the person who calls people to Allaah)?.. More
A Christian embraced Islam and married a Muslim woman, however he does not perform prayers or observe fasting under the pretext of having diabetes. He does not perform any of the basic acts of worship of Islam; moreover his wife does not regularly perform her prayers or wear the Hijaab. What is the ruling in Islam about dealing with them? .. More
What is the ruling of ordering unveiled women on the street to wear Hijaab?
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How can we overcome bad habits in society?.. More
Is it permissible to share a table with people who eat prohibited food for the sake of advising those people; given that this is the only available opportunity to preach to them?.. More
How can I persuade my non-Muslim neighbour of the Oneness of Allaah?.. More
While going to the mosque, I come across a person who does not pray and who deals in drugs. He confesses this and says that he has to deal in drugs because he is unemployed. However, he always says to me that he admires my constant attendance to prayers and not socializing with evil people, and he advises me to stay steadfast on that. This person.. More
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