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I work in an educational institution. Every Saturday, they chant a poem which includes words contradictory to the Islamic Creed. If I denounce that, I may get fired. What should I do?.. More
I am a young woman who gives religious advice to young men and reminds them of Allaah the Almighty through Internet chatting. Thanks to Allaah many people who used to be neglectful responded to me positively. However there is a young man who insulted me, and I met this with patience, lenience, and advice. Allaah Knows that I never harmed this.. More
Nowadays, should Da‘wah efforts focus on a certain category of people more than others?.. More
How can I tell the truth in these times we live in, where the only way to deal with people is with hypocrisy and deceit?.. More
Is it permissible to steal unlawful items, like wine and musical instruments, with the intention to destroy them?.. More
I am eighteen years old and I would like to know how I can call people to Allaah... More
I work for a commercial enterprise owned by a Muslim. One day, I saw a fellow Muslim worker stealing some goods. Should I tell the owner though I have no witnesses other than myself? .. More
I am a 23-year old man. Thanks to Allaah The Almighty I observe all the daily prayers. One day a girl came to buy something from my shop. In fact, I liked her and I felt that she has the same feelings towards me. Therefore, I wanted to propose to her. However, the problem is that she does not wear Hijaab. Is it permissible for me to try to convince.. More
What are the Quranic chapters that are recommended to be read first by non-Muslims in general, and the People of the Book in particular, when calling them to Islam?.. More
I am a working man. During office hours when there is no work assigned to me, I undertake some activities in the field of Da‘wah such as distributing emails with Islamic content and publicizing Islamic sites. I also listen to the Quran on my office computer. My wife said to me that it is impermissible for me to use the computer and electricity in.. More
I live in the USA, in the same town where my uncle lives. My uncle does not pray at all, and I want to advise him to do so, but I do not know the right way to do this. He is very stubborn and is a difficult person to convince. Please advise me... More
There is an Islamic group working in the field of Da'wah and its members are simple ordinary people. Their activities include delivering sermons in mosques, however, their language is poor and they do not distinguish between Saheeh and Dha'eef narrations. Moreover, sometimes they cause unrest among the people in the mosque. What is your opinion?.. More
My workmate is a Buddhist (he does not worship Allaah The Exalted) and he asked me to teach him Islam. How can I do that? Can I recite the Quran in front of him or is that not permissible?.. More
I know an 18-year old non-Muslim girl who suffers from many psychological problems. I also know that she wants to commit suicide. What should I do about that? Am I allowed to invite her to Islam and marry her?.. More
How can I invite Christians to Islam and debate with them?.. More
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