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I often feel angry because people disobey Allaah The Almighty. This leads me to think ill of anyone I see. What should I do?.. More
My brother was so religious and after few years he turned upside down. He began to commit many sins, such as earning ill-gotten money, lying, cheating, bearing false testimony and giving precedence to his own interests over everything. Is it possible to call him to the true path? What can I do for him?
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I am a student and when I am in school, I often see an ill-mannered student badmouthing another well-mannered student. I thought about asking him to stop doing that. Is this the correct thing to do? Is there another way to handle this situation?.. More
I work in an institution where I have access to the Internet. Once I thought about calling to Islam with the help of the Internet, i.e. by browsing relevant Islamic websites, choosing suitable material and printing it out to distribute to non-Muslims. Does this constitute a Sharee‘ah violation since I use paper that the institution pays for? Am I.. More
What is the ruling on grouping many e-mail addresses into one list and sending e-mails calling them to the way of Allaah The Almighty without their permission?.. More
What should I do if I knew of an unlawful relationship between a Muslim woman and a Christian man?.. More
How do we deal with those who mock religiously-committed people and anyone who works in the field of Da‘wa?.. More
Some Imaams often tell a weak or fabricated Hadeeth when they give lessons in the mosque, which provokes many heated arguments. Is it permissible for people to argue and discuss issues inside the mosque if the Imaam commits a mistake in relating some Hadeeth? What is the proper action to be taken in such cases?.. More
Is it true that refraining from enjoining good and forbidding evil is a cause for the Wrath of Allaah?.. More
I am a practicing Muslim, praise be to Allaah The Almighty, but my friends are not. What is the ruling of accompanying them with the intention of calling them to observe the teachings of Islam?.. More
The nature of my work allows me to deal with non-Muslims. I want to call them to the way of Allaah The Almighty, however, my religious knowledge does not qualify me to do so. Should I give them Da’wah?.. More
Most of my friends do not pray. I have to be with them most of the time because they are my classmates. How should I deal with them?.. More
While we perform the congregational prayer, a brother recites the Quran in a loud voice which disturbs the others. How can I advise him without embarrassing him?.. More
My brothers watch pornographic programs without the knowledge of my father. However, my mother encourages them to do so. I do not want to tell my father so as not to cause problems between him and my mother. Do I share in the guilt incurred?.. More
I am a doctor who always comments on the violations of Sharee‘ah that the nurses commit. Am I to be held sinful for this? Am I permitted by Sharee‘ah to do this?.. More
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