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I am a well-off non-Muslim man, and I feel severe spiritual emptiness. I read many religious books but am still unconvinced. Please advise. .. More
I heard Imam Ahmed Qubasi in his program saying that a true muslim is as well true christian and jew. I told that to our local small masjid imam and he said said that is kufur and one should pronounce his islam again. He said no true muslim should say he's christian or jew even if he refer to the true scriptures.. I believe that Shiek Ahmed has wisdom.. More
Does Islam contradict the logical matters in life?
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I had a debate with a Christian man and he asked me ‘why are you a Muslim?’, and ‘what did you gain from Islam?’
Please give me a decisive and convincing answer... More
Why will a Christian enter Hell if he was born Christian?.. More
A friend of mine has recently become a Muslim and he asked me ''why should I be a Muslim?'', in other words ''what distinguishes Islam from other religions?'' What is the meaning of Laa ilaaha illallaah? .. More
What is the ruling on the person who denies the comprehensiveness of Islam? .. More
Why is Islam addressed to the whole world?.. More
Will Islam continue to spread covertly in western countries?.. More
When was the date that the religion of Islam started ? .. More
my husband wants to marry a woman whom he hasmade to divorce her husband for himand she too divorced him she used to say she wants to leave her husband to marry mine and at da same time wants my consent i cannot tolerate this betrayal because my husband promised me to be mine only all his life and made dat woman my friend also he wants both me and her.. More
Islam is a comprehensive religion, so is this something proven by evidence and which no one can deny, to an extent that we may say that whoever denies that Islam is valid for all times and all places is out of the fold of Islam, like the one who denies the prayer... More
What is the wisdom of not mentioning fasting and Hajj when the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, sent Mu’aath, may Allaah be pleased with him, to Yemen to call its people to Islam, although he stated most of the pillars of Islam which are the two testimonies of faith, prayer and Zakaat? .. More
Why is it that some religious brothers become agitated on a person who marries a second wife despite being able financially and morally, for whomever wants this marriage?
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I would like to know if I'm consider a sinner for not believing its ok for a husband to have four wives and if I'm considered still a Muslim if I do not believe in having four wives.
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