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I've been Catholic from birth. My religion has taught me to show the other cheek. I am getting to know a Muslim girl 'better', even in the sense of possibly converting and marrying her, so I would like to know whether I can apply the same principles? Or does converting to Islam mean I have to apply the Jewish principles of 'an-eye-for-an-eye'?.. More
I believe Islam and true Christianity are very similar.
1. People are born sinners only through a relationship with The Lord can they be saved and changed.
2. Once we have a relationship with The Lord he then controls our lives and helps us keep his commandments.
3. There is an evil against The Lord, if we are not with The Lord and.. More
I am Catholic, but I like to respect Muslim traditions if I travel in a Muslim country. I plan to travel in Iran and Dubai at the beginning of Ramadan beginning I think on October 4th. Do you think it is not respectful or at your point of view it is no problem travelling during that period?.. More
I am a non-Muslim, but am very interested in the study of religions around the world. I wonder if it is okay to wear a necklace that has on it a symbol of the Crescent Moon and the Star along with symbols of other Abraham's traditions - namely, a Cross and a Star of David. Is this blaspheme? .. More
Many non-believers say Christianity is the most religion in the world, is that true? .. More
Recently my 2nd wife find out that I was looking for a 3rd wife and during the argument she started getting wild and attacking me with her fist, to the extent that I started bleeding from a scratch. Ever since that day I have not had any inclination of touching her or even being close to her. May Allaah forgive me. .. More
Before I start my question, I just want to let you know that the service your provide to Muslim and non-Muslim around is a great service. Please continue what your doing. May Allah bless you. I'm a Muslim and I really don't see the importance of polygamy. I have heard from other Muslims saying that, "if your wife can't produce kids, or if.. More
I was asked by some non-Muslims, when Aadam and Eve came in this world which religion did they belong to. well I as a Muslim have no doubts on their not being a Muslim but in future if I do come across questions like that, can you please tell me how do I support my answer. Or rather, what would be the best explanation.. More
I have a little knowledge about the Islaamic way of life. How do a woman seeking deeper knowledge of Islaam become a Muslim? .. More
i have a question. i was just going through some videos on youtube and i saw this video which pointed out some contradicitons in the Quran [ASTAGHFIRALLAH] I didn’t mean to open it but I just happened to click on it! example: [22:47] AND [70:4] one says "And they ask you to hasten on the torment! And Allah fails not His Promise. And verily, a day.. More
Can you tell us how many Muslims there are in the world and how many are joining us every day?.. More
I am a Muslim but recently I have been finding it difficult to believe that all humans on this earth who reject the word of Muhammad go to hell indefinitely. Seeing people in Canada with such a relaxed and welcoming state of mind when it comes to religion, I do not see why people raised outside Muslim education that die without saying "I.. More
I reverted to Islam this past September, Alhamdulillah. Before that I used to be romantically involved with a Muslim girl (it wasn't the reason for my Islam). Well things didn't work out and now she is dating a pagan. I called him a Kafir. She wears tight clothes and drinks and goes out dancing with men. I told her that she didn't even want.. More
After experiencing life for over 50 years, I can honestly make the following observation (that I think is shared by many in "technologically and spiritually advanced" parts of the world: Islam has fostered hate, violence, war. Christianity has fostered love, kindness, peace... More
What is the reason of the moon and star being the symbol of Islam? What do the different actions of the prayer mean? What supplications are recited in the Supererogatory prayer of Tasabih (praises and glorification of Allah)? Is there any significance of men wearing coif (religious hat)? I live in Benoni close to Johannesburg in South Africa; can you.. More
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