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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. This question is about buying items from a seller when we do not know for sure about the origin of the products. I am a programmer; a lot of my business concerns computers. Here, spare parts are imported from another country. There are rumours that one of the parts which I got was imported from the.. More
I am researching Islam. I feel attracted by it. I have a question related to Qisaas (retaliation). What is the Qisaas law in case of killing a slave? Thank you
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Assalaam alaikum i had asked a question before i was directed to other questions the question was is this statement correct, Helping people is the "FUNDAMENTAL ASPECT OF ISLAM" --------- We know that helping people is a recommended act, but my question was regarding TERMING it "FUNDAMENTAL ASPECT" of islaam, since fundamentals aspects of islaam we say.. More
What are the similarities and differences between Islam, Christianity and Judaism?.. More
Is Islam a complete code of life?
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What are the fundamentals of Islam, and can they be summarized?
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How did the Islamic creed start?.. More
What are the principles of Islam?.. More
What is the concept of balance and gradualness in Islam?.. More
I have a 20-year-old female friend. I love her for the sake of Allaah The Almighty. She has recently become a practicing Muslim. She has some questions about religion, but says she cannot find anyone to answer them. She says, for instance:
1- Religion must conform to reason. We must understand everything in Islam, not simply submit to it. Muslims.. More
I am a new Muslim and want to know about Islam... More
Does Islam contradict the logical matters in life?
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A friend of mine has recently become a Muslim and he asked me ''why should I be a Muslim?'', in other words ''what distinguishes Islam from other religions?'' What is the meaning of Laa ilaaha illallaah? .. More
Islam is a comprehensive religion, so is this something proven by evidence and which no one can deny, to an extent that we may say that whoever denies that Islam is valid for all times and all places is out of the fold of Islam, like the one who denies the prayer... More
What is the wisdom of not mentioning fasting and Hajj when the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, sent Mu’aath, may Allaah be pleased with him, to Yemen to call its people to Islam, although he stated most of the pillars of Islam which are the two testimonies of faith, prayer and Zakaat? .. More
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